Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


your creativity, explore your own voice and vision. Creativity brings healing and hope, insight and change. Do you notice that these practices combine being and doing, with an emphasis on exploration? Freedom lives in that vibrating space be - tween presence and action. It’s also the space that illuminates all our relationships. Beyond the experiences we’ve turned into beliefs, be - yond the ego’s insistent self-protection, this space opens to discovery and healing. It is non-linear, resists easy answers, and helps us hold paradox and possibility. And what is family if not paradox and possibility? How else can we integrate those interminable, achingly precious Thanksgiving celebra- tions, those coded conversations simultaneously loving and distant, those quiet sidebars where secrets are passed across generations? How else can we understand the interventions, confrontations, and hard choices required in a family crisis? And how else can we stand, fully and creatively ourselves, because of and despite all that family jazz that brought us here? After all, as George Bernard Shaw said, “If you cannot get rid of the family skele - ton, you may as well make it dance.” And dance we must, rattling towards thriving, without regrets, may - be stumbling a little at first before we catch the rhythm of right relation - ships. Choose a tune that suits you, grab a hand or two, and let’s live large! Carol Burbank is a poet and non-fiction writer whose work ex - plores the intersections of social change, myth and ecology. She is the founder of Storyweaving Coaching, offering mentoring and writing services for creatives. Find out more at

Spiritual Art– Art that Elevates

Contemporary & Universal Limited-Edition Flow Art Paintings on Canvas Inspired by Angels, Archangels & Ascended Masters

These channeled paintings support chakra balancing, enhance divine connection, bring inspiration and healing and higher vibrations from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my Angels and Guides. Create or enhance your vibration and the vibration of your sacred space in your home or work space. Harmonize within and around.

Join us for an ECKANKAR Soul Adventure in your local area: MD: VA:

PATHWAYS—Summer 24—29

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