Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


Why Body-Led Healing... ...continued from page 11

universe hands us what we most deeply desire? Not at all. It simply means we catch ourselves before we push it away or sabotage it. We Let It In! Embodiment Code 2: The Mother Wound This Embodiment Code addresses the trauma we store in the left side of our body, specifically in the Left Quadratus Lumborum, Pan - creas, Mesentery, and Chest tissue. What if every mother was able to lean on her community for sup- port instead of taking on the caregiver burden by herself? Without the existence of the martyr mother, our lineage would learn how to equal- ly distribute the burden of care. The mother’s work is to learn how to lean into the support that exists within her community. It is how to ask for help and then receive it without snatching it out of their hands and saying “You’re doing it wrong”. The healed mother lets her community hold her and releases the pull to hold it all herself. In my opinion, our generational trauma begins and ends with the mother. Our original scar is our belly button, and our birth was our first experience of abandonment. When we heal the wounds of the Mother, we heal our lineage. Embodiment Code 3: What Are You Holding? This Embodiment Code addresses the trauma we store in the con- nection between the respiratory diaphragm and the jaw. The respiratory diaphragm doesn’t “hold” any particular emotion, but it responds to emotion and stress by clenching up or spasming. Most of the emotion and stress we are holding is in the lungs and the gut, which the respiratory diaphragm bisects above and below. When the respiratory diaphragm is restricted, our breath becomes shallow. It’s almost as if we are holding our breath, waiting for the other shoe

Introducing The Embodiment Codes After almost two decades of observing these unconscious patterns in my patients, I have discovered about seven different collective trau - mas we store in specific regions of the body. I have labeled these seven collective trauma patterns “The Embodiment Codes”, which guide the foundation of my somatic therapy practice as well as my practitioner training. They are outlined below. Embodiment Code 1: Rooting into Desire and Worthiness This Embodiment Code addresses the trauma we store in our pel- vis. We often don’t know what we want, so we take what is given to us and our bodies feel the disparity. We live our lives with this underlying feeling of “there’s got to be more to it than this”. We unconsciously stifle our deepest desires due to our trauma related to worthiness. Our pelvis holds our deepest desires — the ones we don’t even know we have, because they are hidden under the blanket of our insecuri- ties. Most of our desires are rooted in one of five categories: Money, Sex, Love, Safety, and Community. This first embodiment code addresses the blocks that are keeping you from accessing what you desire most, beyond what you may com- prehend logically. These are the desires you didn’t even know you had, or the ones you are too afraid to voice out of fear of social rejection or having to call your own identity into question. When we clear the blocks from this code, we are able to say yes to “The More” of life: All that this universe and your highest self truly wants for you! Does this mean we don’t still feel insecure when the

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