Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


to drop. Our jaw holds emotion related to control. When we feel a loss of control, or when we are focused on trying to control our circumstanc- es, we unconsciously clench, and we often hold our breath at the same time. When we hold our breath, we hold onto outcomes. When we hold onto outcomes, we hold our breath. Code number three is all about putting down what you are holding. Not “releasing” it or “letting it go”, but just packing it up in a nice little suitcase and dropping it off with your guides as you continue along the path of your existence. In the moments I write these words, this code is probably one of the most important ones we can clear from our body at this time. Af - ter several years of trauma to our lungs and collective stress to our psyches, folks are being asked to go back to life as usual without clear- ing the past several years from our bodies first. We are being asked to return to old systems and ways of being that were broken decades ago, and our bodies can feel this on a visceral level. Our health and our emotional well-being will continue to suffer until we acknowledge these old agreements are no longer serving us, and we commit to re- leasing them from our body and our emotional field once and for all. Embodiment Code 4: Integration This Embodiment Code addresses the trauma in our dural tube — the first structure to form at the moment of your gestation. The dural tube is a sheath of three fascial layers that cover and pro- tect the brain and the spinal cord. This is a very important structure from a somatic healing perspective, because not only does it carry your DNA, but it carries the DNA of your lineage. I believe the dural tube holds our Akashic Records. Integration feels like a big concept when you attempt to approach

it intellectually; but, when we apply a body-led approach, we see we were born with an internal knowing. Western society isn’t set up for integration. In fact, it passively in- terferes with it by rewarding over productivity and forward-thinking. The western wellness industry doesn’t leave much space for integra- tion either. When industry leaders promote their wellness approaches as the solutions to their client’s problems, or use peak experiences to help their clients escape from the reality of their pain and dysphoria, they are bypassing the body’s need for integration. It is human nature to seek out the quick-fix when something in our life hasn’t been work - ing for so long; but the reality is no solution will stick without time for integration.

Even with this embodiment code, the integration comes from what you do with it next. This code addresses the distortions that interfere with your ability to integrate what you already know on some level. Once those midline structures are open and in flow, then you have ac - cess to your center, or as I like to call it, your Divine Line. The Divine Line is the center of self where all information flows through you and all around you. It is the space where you can connect more clearly with your yeses and your nos, or what is for you or not for you. When we have a clear connection to our Divine Line, then we will veraciously advocate for ourselves and defend our boundaries, because we know what a yes feels like in our systems and we won’t settle for anything less now. Embodiment Code 5: Balance This Embodiment Code addresses the trauma stored between our shoulders and our low back. Our relationship to balance plays out in how we carry ourselves, Soul Source ~ discover your soul’s plan for this lifetime Past Life & Life Between Lives Regression ~ Spiritual Counseling ~ Soul School continued on page 48

Joanne Selinske Author:Awakened Soul Co-Author Wisdom of Souls

Awakened Soul will remind you that you are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience while helping you to overcome challenges to loss, forgiveness, doubt, self-esteem & acceptance, and self-care! • 410.371.7950

PATHWAYS—Summer 24—47

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