Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


Why Body-Led Healing... ...continued from page 47

Even if there is no immediate threat to our truth, these regions of the body store the somatic memory. The tension felt between the neck and the piriformis keeps us stuck in a moment-in-time as if it were playing on repeat. Over time, we develop coping strategies that may include habits of over-explaining, an intense need to feel heard or un- derstood, or even avoiding certain groups of people who have stifled our truth in the past. If left unaddressed, these patterns will eventually turn inward, causing us to stifle our own truths. The real break-down in our quality of life comes from the harm we cause to ourselves when we do not choose to embody our own truth because the thought of ex- periencing those initial threats to our truth from others becomes too much to bear. Embodiment Code 7: Receiving Our Self-Mastery and Focus Embodiment Code 7 addresses the trauma stored in our knees. This code is my reminder that the body is divine. The knees are a super-conductor highway of information that acts as holding tanks, or containers, for what we are waiting to receive once our body is cleared from the other six Embodiment Codes. Now that the blocks are removed regarding your deepest desires, your mother’s wounds, your old agreements, your integration, your balance, and your truth, what is standing in the way of you turning to face the direction of your True North and then walking that path from here on out? Sometimes, it is restriction in the fascia surrounding the knee joint that keeps the information from flowing between the knee and the rest of the body, and then between the rest of the body and your larger template. When this occurs, you are not walking in your self-mastery and focus because your body doesn’t have access to that information

specifically with how we distribute the load between our shoulders and our low back. Oftentimes, when a client reports low back pain, they are experiencing tension in the neck and shoulders, and vice ver- sa. When we release the tension in their low back, then suddenly they become very aware of how much work their shoulders were doing all these years. Clients who struggle with this push-pull interplay in their bodies often struggle with balance in their everyday life. They often have a difficult time holding their boundaries and are pulled off-center very easily. They are stuck in a pattern that involves speeding up until they crash and must slow down. Embodiment Code 6: Healing Your Truth This Embodiment Code addresses the trauma between the neck and the piriformis muscle. Why are these the muscles and regions of the body most affected by a trauma involving our truth? Think about our body language when we are in a situation that is out of alignment with our truth. When we feel anxious or afraid to share our truth, sometimes our throat will close up. Additionally, when we are not embodying our truth, our shoulders will come up to our ears, or our heads will shrink down into our shoulders like an ostrich hiding their head in the sand. What about when we are attempting to share our truth and are being punished or gaslighted for it? We may stay and continue to explain ourselves, but oftentimes, our body wants to get the heck out of that situation. Our piriformis muscle tenses up in preparation for running.

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