Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine 800 + Testimonials

Helps Mitochondria Create ATP + Nitric Oxide Oxygenates Cells, Giving Greater Absorption Activates Parasympathetic Nervous System Increases Circulation and Microcirculation Mobilizes Lymphatic and Immune Systems Increasing Core Temperature and I will cure disease.” “Find me a way to create sweat or fever Relax Sauna May Increase Body Temperature 3.2° in 25 Minutes, Significantly More than Any Other Sauna More Energizing and Relaxing than any other Infrared Sauna

~ Hippocrates

It took 10 years for the Relax Sauna company to discover how to filter out the near and mid infrared giving you only pure 4-14 micron far infrared light Than Any Sauna Loving Light Get the Best Detox with more

Dr. Bill Akpinar - M.D., D.S., O.M.D. Medical Director - US Olympic Karate Team Director of the Center for Spiritual Healing, NY Transform Your Health in 3 Days to 3 Weeks with the Relax Sauna

Complete Sweat in 15-20 Minutes Great for 5-10 minute Clothes On Sessions Feels Toasty and Loving in 2-3 Minutes No Warm Up Period at all, Instant On For the Intense Feeling of Purification Thousands Love & Prefer Relax Sauna

Author “No Sweat?, Know Sweat” �e�n�t��e �u��e to �e��a���n� �our �ea�th

"Every time I use the Relax Sauna, I cannot for the life of me see how people can live without it. I usually bring it with me when I travel. We recommend the Relax Sauna to many of our patients. We could not �nd this technology in any other sauna. The amount of Heat Shock Proteins produced with the Relax Sauna is phenomenal!"

Brings Great Joy & Deeper Relaxation

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