HOT|COOL NO. 2/2023 "AI & Digitalization"

Figure 2: The red arrow points at a won activation of the two CHPs in mFRR EAM. The green prices show the prices in the Day-ahead market. The blue prices show the upward regulation prices and the yellow prices show the downward regulation prices in mFRR EAM. The lower graph shows the content in the two thermal storages. As is seen, the heat produced in the won activation of the two CHPs is partly stored in the thermal storages.

collector, rather than producing the heat on the CHPs. In such an hour tomorrow, it is obvious to offer the CHPs in the mFRR market, and when coming to the hour and if there is not suffi- cient content in the thermal storages the obligatory activation bid can be made sky high to avoid winning the activation. The heat pump is operated in many hours. In these hours it is again possible to offer mFRR, because closing a heat pump reduces the electricity consumption and thus offers an upward regulation. Participating in mFRR EAM As mentioned, after winning an mFRR bid in a certain hour it is obligatory for the plant to make an offer of this capacity into the mFRR EAM. However, even if it has not won an mFRR bid in a certain hour, it may still offer activation in mFRR EAM. The simple starting point for making bids in mFRR EAM is to make it as the opposite bid as won in Day-ahead. As an example, if 1 MWh purchase bid has been won on the heat pump in Day-ahead in a certain hour, the opposite bid of 1 MW can be offered as upward regulation in mFRR EAM. Note that winning an upward regulation on the heat pump has the consequence that less heat is produced, which may have the consequence that the thermal storages will be emptied, and the gas boilers must be started. But that is in fact the way bidding prices are calculated – as the economic consequences of winning a bid. At we show online the operation of Hvide Sande District Heating. Figure 2 shows an example of a won activation of the two CHPs in mFRR EAM.

used for the daily planning of bidding amounts and bidding prices in the different electricity markets. However, it is also im- portant that the manager maintains a digital twin of the plant. The daily optimization will often give inspiration to new invest- ments to be made. It is also about finding the right balance between investments in production units, storages, and grid infrastructures and regularly the manager has to make budg- ets for the coming periods. That is what the digital twin shall be used for. In Figure 3 is shown the digital twin that Hvide Sande District Heating is using. An overview of different digital twin tools is shown in this article

Figure 3: Hvide Sande District Heating is using the energyPRO energy system analysis tool for making the digital twin of the grid and plant, that it uses for budgetting and investment analysis.

Digital twin of Hvide Sande District Heating This article illustrates that daily optimization tools must be

For further information please contact: Anders N. Andersen:


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