Do You Suffer With Painful Sciatica?

Do You Know What Sciatica Really Is? Sciatica is a term used to describe compression or irritation to the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body at 2cm wide. It is made up of many different nerves that exit your lower back from the lumbar and sacral levels (L4-S3), extending all the way down the back of your leg into your foot. It transmits sensation and muscle control. Treatment Sciatica is easily treated with physical therapy. This is the most complete form of treatment. Our specialists examine the root cause of pressure on the nerve and work to alleviate that pressure quickly. Furthermore, our experts analyze the movements of your muscles, back and hip joints. By improving the flexibility of these joints, along with strengthening of the correct muscles, we put you on the path to prevent this problem from reoccurring. Call us today to learnmore about our programs and discover a pain free life. Tips to help your sciatica

The sciatic nerve plunges down deep through the buttocks and underneath the piriformis muscle in the buttock. Weakness in the gluteal muscles and tightness in the piriformis muscle are common culprits that press on and irritate the nerve. Symptoms Symptoms can vary from a deep ache in the buttocks to severe pain radiating down the leg into the calf and even foot. Occasional tingling and even numbness may be felt in the back of the leg, calf or foot. If left too long without proper treatment, irritation can be severe and affect the strength of muscles in the leg.

• Perform gentle stretching exercises. • Avoid prolonged sitting. Get up every 30 minutes and change positions frequently. • Put a pillow behind your knees when sleeping on your back or between your knees when sleeping on your side. • Use your legs to bend down when picking up objects off the floor. • Alternate heat and ice on the buttock to reduce inflammation. • Ask your doctor aboutcoming tophysical therapy or give us a call.

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Exercise Essential Flexibility, strength, and stability are needed to keep you loose and pain free... LOWER TRUNK ROTATIONS Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently rock your knees side-to-side. Repeat 8 times. Rest, then repeat 8 more times.

Shawna is coming back!

Our therapist, Shawna Clegg, will be returning in the coming weeks. Shawna has been out on leave since having her baby boy, Isaac, on November 9th. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Shawna call us at (208) 777-4242. Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body! Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a FREE Consultation! FREE Consultation CALL TODAY!

Good For Lower Back Flexibility

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