the rennie landscape Fall 2024 | Vancouver


04. demographics

British Columbia is projected to experience robust population growth over the next decade. This will have implications for how its metro areas accommodate the additions.


The record-setting population growth in Canada and throughout British Columbia has already had major implications for housing in our local communities (later, we’ll explore how our housing supply has not been able to keep pace to-date). Beyond that, we also have to consider future population growth and for that we look to population forecasts from BC Stats. The provincial statistical agency has produced what can only be described as a "robust" outlook for population growth over the coming decade, one driven by high levels of net international migration continuing in the short-run—something that federal policy is looking to curtail.

Metro Vancouver is projected to continue to grow at a rapid pace over the next 10 years, at 20%. This would be just less than the 21% growth over the past 10, but would add more than 600,000 people to the region (compared to just over 500,000 over the past decade). The recent trend of less growth within the City of Vancouver and more growth in other urban municipalities in the region is expected to intensify over the next decade. In fact, more than half of all regional additions (51%) are expected to come to Surrey, Burnaby, and the Langleys. This growth will require increasing the pace of housing construction, alongside transportation and infrastructure expansion, to meet the needs of the population.


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