King's Business - 1969-01

The earth is the lo r d ’ s ,’ £¡*3» and the fulness thereof ; the world , and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24 :1

Plan to attend the 34th Annual . . . . t O R R e y M E M O R I A L B I B L E c o n f e r e n c e \ x J « « - 2 6 / 3 1 , 1 9 6 9

w m S fltBE&N ^ f ^ c ^ O c L f- ThiO ^ ^ 0/^ S Sfo, » " * * 8 f J . S ' rch: ^ Z ^ s ^ N c e inference sp'eakgr *• DR. JOHN M ITCHELL Former president of Multnomah,

ou tstand ing speakers

This year’s conference brings out­ standing Bible teachers, evangelists and missionaries from around the world and across the United States to Southern California. With an appro priate central theme, "A Week with the Word,” an, ideal time is presented for growth in spiritual grace as you share the addresses of these dedicated messengers of God’s grace. Locate the church nearest you. If there is a question about the time of service, be sure to call for further infor­ mation. o Special musical groups and individuals participating in this year’s conference include Rev. Norman Nel­ son, Singing Ambassador with Over­ seas Crusades, Biota’s C ollegians,

,astor of Central Bible, ld, conference speaker REV- ^ ¡^ a d o r rV Sing'ng


c r u s ^ i r e o S ^

* * T & £ S * ° P ' hJ0’\og'st' ° T o ^ \ o ^ 1 npsy^°'°gr0sade5' - S'*e° ^ q R- l f e * P ►* e,°'

Carillons, Quartets, Brass Ensemble and various other instrumental and vocal presentations.



ANAHEIM, Magnolia Baptist Church, Rev. KennethL. Fischer, 720 SouthMagnolia, 827-0553 •

BURBANK, Calvary Bible Church, Dr.Jack Mac-

COSTA MESA,Central Bible Church, Rev. Henry E. Jones, 190 East 23rd Street, 548-5303 •

Arthur, 1101 South MainStreet, 845-7449 •

DOWNEY, First Baptist Church, Rev. Harold L. Adams, 8348 Third Street, 923-1261 •

HEMET, First Baptist Church, Dr. Edward L. Roda, 26089 LONG BEACH, First Baptist Church, Dr. FrankM.Kepner,

LA MIRADA, Biola Campus, 13800 Biola Avenue,941-3224 •

Girard Street 658-7115 • 100 Pine Avenue, 432-8447 •

NORTH LONG BEACH, North Long Beach Brethren Church, Dr. George 0. Peek, 61st& OrangeAvenue;423-5431

• ONTARIO, Temple Baptist Church, Rev. Roy V. Nelson,224 West California Street, 983-1788 •

PACIFIC PALISADES, Calvary Church, Rev. Ralph

PASADENA, Lake Avenue Congregational Church, Rev. Raymond C. Ortlund, 393 North Lake Avenue,

M Hetrick,700Via de la Paz, 454-6537 •

REDONDO BEACH, North Redondo Chapel, Dr. Herbert H. Richardson, Vail andNelson, 370-7417 •

RIVERSIDE, Magnolia Baptist

792-5131 •

Church, Rev. Melvin N. Krug, 3624 Arlington Avenue, 684-8071 •

SAN GABRIEL, San Gabriel Union Church, Dr.W. JosephHemphill, 101North Pine

SOUTH GATE, Trinity Bible Church, Rev.Norman R.Linhart, 12025 Industrial Avenue, 634-6690 •

Street 287-0434 •

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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine isaPublication ofBiola Schools 4 Colleges, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland, Pres., Ray A. Myers, Board Chmn. JANUARY/VOLUME 59/NUMBER 1/ ESTABLISHED 1910


A R T IC L E S Message fromthe Editor /


4 6 8 42

Reader Reaction ................................................... People in the News................................................ Book Reviews ...................................................... F E A T U R E S

VANCE HAVNER ......................................... 10 LEHMAN STRAUSS .................................

The Supreme Experience / The Feast of Trumpets / Bible Dificulties/ The Abasing Thorn /


R. A. TORREY ........................................................ 14 RICHARD A. BENNETT .......................................... 16

LAMBERTDOLPHIN, JR .................... 18 J. EDWARD HAKES ........... ........ 20 JACK WYRTZEN .................................. 26 GAVIN HAMILTON............................. 29

The Body and Brideof Jesus Christ / Wher Christian EducationMustBegin / How Much is a Tenager Worth / The Bema—Should We Dread It? /

MANFORD GEORGE GUTZKE ............................. THOMAS G. LAWRENCE .........................................31

Importance of Prayer/ The Spirit of Life /




FRED 0. ACORD .................................. 36

HowMuchFaith Do YouHave? /

Every payment In full since 1843

HAROLD K. JOHNSON ...................


Turn To God / Spiritual Cement /

W. M. WHITWELL..................................................... 40

This special Bible Conference issue is prepared in conjunctionwith Biola's 34th annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference. Most of the regular featureshave been omitted to allow added space forthisconference isue. Regularfeatures wil return next monthwith special emphasis on Vacation Bible School. Photo by Robert F. Campbel, Concord, Calif.GrandCanyon National Park, Arizona; frompointImDerial North Rim. S. H. Sutherland EDITOR


Al Sanders MANAGING EDITOR Betty Bruechert COPY EDITOR Paul Sehwepker TREASURER


Subscription Rates: THE KING'S BUSINESS is published monthly U.S., its possessions, and Canada, S3.00 one year,- SI.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign Subscription 75 centsextra. Allow one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new address. Remittances should be made by bankdraft,express, or post office moneyorder payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising: For information address the Advertising Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS. 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannotac ept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by ChurchPress. Glendale.California.

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*a message from the editor *

A V I E ym /m m l


I T h a s b e e n n o t e d recently in the newspapers that one o f the features o f the recent World Council o f Churches Assembly held in Uppsala was the reading o f a "message o f encourage­ ment and blessing” from the Pope to the two thousand partici­ pants o f this assembly. According to the newspaper accounts, the Pope told the delegates, "Everything you do to advance the cause o f the unity o f all Christians will be blessed by the Lord.” He referred warmly to plans for the Council in the Roman Catholic Church to "extend their collaboration.” This concept o f coopera­ tion was also emphasized in a letter which was read to the dele­ gates from the president o f the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity. He wrote in part, "W e are bound together in the Ecu­ menical task. . . . It is indeed the will o f the Lord that all Chris­ tians should be gathered together in the communion o f a single church.” Now all o f this sounds very noble and pious, and no one is doubting the sincerity o f the Roman Catholic leadership in wishing men o f all o f the Protestant faiths to unite under the umbrella o f the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, there are other indications that have led individuals to believe that perhaps the Roman Catholic Church was willing to yield on some o f its tenets in order that the concept o f union might be furthered so that all men might dwell in unity under the banner o f one great church. But what the Roman Catholic Church actually has in mind is evidently something quite different from that which our Protes­ tant denominational visionaries would have us believe. At the same time this World Council was being held in Sweden, another extremely significant news item appeared in the papers under the heading "Pope Urges Catholics to Hold to All Dogma.” The three-thousand word "credo o f the people o f God” was delivered to a crowd o f approximately 40,000 people in St. Peter’s Square. It was cited as the most comprehensive pronounce­ ment on faith o f the present Pope’s reign. Among other things he "listed the importance o f baptism, the Roman Catholic Church as the only true church, the need for a church hierarchy, the infallibility o f the Pope and o f Bishops as a body under the

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Pontiff, the mass as a real enactment o f Christ’s death, the Eucharist as the true body and blood o f Jesus, and the existence o f Paradise, Purgatory, and Hell.” Among other points he stressed the traditional Catholic teaching on Mary. "We believe that Mary is the mother who remained ever a virgin o f the incarnate word our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.” He explained in some detail the doctrine o f the infallibility o f the Pope. "W e believe 'in the infallibility enjoyed by the successor o f Peter when he teaches ex cathedra as pastor and teacher o f all o f the faithful and which is assured also to the episcopal body when it exercises with him the supreme magisterium-teaching.” O f the Communion Service or the Eucharist, the Pope stated, "Every theological ex­ planation which seeks some understanding o f this mystery must in order to be in accord with the Catholic faith maintain that in the reality itself independently o f our mind the bread and, wine have ceased to exist after the consecration so that it is the adorable body and blood of the Lord Jesus.” Through the centuries, it has been claimed with pride by the Catholic priesthood and with despair by Protestant ecumenicists, that "Rome never changes.” There are those in the various Protestant denominations who are loudly proclaiming the notion that there are winds o f change that are being felt within the Roman Catholic Church itself, and they are advocating more and more collaboration with the au­ thorities o f Rome to the end that there might be an ever-increas­ ing unity o f spirit and cooperation o f activity and organization between the great branches o f the faith, namely the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. O f course, we quite agree that the Pope and the Bishop o f the Roman Catholic Church have a perfect right to believe what they choose to believe, but by the same token we claim to have an equal right to believe what we choose to believe what we see proclaimed in the Word o f God. We deplore the efforts o f these "do-gooders” who, posing as leaders o f the great Protestant movement, are trying to wheedle and cajole the Protestant laity into thinking that union with the Roman Catholic Church is a good thing and is moving along toward a glorious fruition which may surely come to pass just "around the corner.” The Roman Church is not giving up any­ thing by way o f essential doctrine. This simply means that if there is to be any sort o f a union whatsoever, it is the Protestants who must surrender many o f their essential doctrines to bring about such a unity. We hold that the pope is not infallible in any sense o f the word; that he is a sinner like all other human beings, and that if he is to be saved, he must be saved through faith in the shed blood o f the Lord Jesus Christ like any other sinner. We hold that Peter personally was not infallible in any sense of the word. His writings in the New Testament, however, were inspired by God the Holy Spirit, and they are infallible-without error. We hold that Jesus Christ is the God-man. He was con­ ceived in the womb o f the virgin Mary. She was the mother o f cont. on page Uh

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I O B BROADMAN MODERN-GLO SIGNS PASTOR... WILLIAM H. WHITMORE DOUBLE FACE CHANGEABLE COPY EASILY SEEN-DAY OR NIGHT The Church Sign Designed for 1969 Ifyou buya churchsign thisyear, whatwil you lo kfor?

SANTA COVER It has been said to the world “ Put Christ Back in Christmas.” How about “ KING ’S BUSINESS” doing the same? I am a mother o f 2. A t one time my children believed in Santa. But it has its place— and that is not on the cover o f a magazine from a Bible School. What kind of a witness is Biola being to the world today. It is said that a book is judged by its cover. In this case, it certainly is a shame. Sherry Bergenholtz, La Mirada, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : Readers are encouraged to express opinions regarding THE KING’S BUSINESS. Several have questioned the cover which appeared in December. We in no way intend to promote the Santa Claus idea. It seemed obvious that the message was pictured that “ they look in vain for Santa.” OLD MAGAZINES USEFUL W e have gratefully received three packages o f your magazines and all in good to very good condition. Thank ^ou for encouraging people to send them. Lyte Gregory, Bible Literature Ministry, 3602 Manana Drive, Dallas, Texas E ditor ’ s N ote : From time to time read­ ers are interested in knowing what they can do with old copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS. We encourage you to mail them to places such as the above where they may be distributed to those who are interested in knowing more of God’s Word. Check with your local post office for the most economical means of mailing. KB FOR MISSIONARIES A t this time I would like to say what a blessing your magazine has been to me. Serving as a missionary here in the Philippines brings all sorts of situations and there are the times that I have ended up discouraged or perplexed. In times like these, your magazine has served to strengthen and encourage me and I just wish to thank you. Miss Marion Fry “NO WONDER WE’RE BROKE” I was surprised to find the page en­ titled “ No Wonder We’re Broke” (July, 1968). It concerns the foreign aid pro­ gram. It reads more like a political

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handbill than an article in THE K ING ’ S BUSINESS. The article implies that little or nothing has been accomplished through the foreign aid program. No arguments are presented to back up this statement. I believe that God is pleased with nations and governments that help other nations in distress. I agree that such help brings eternal salvation to no one. It is absolutely vital fo r evangelical believers to proclaim the Gospel o f Christ to every nation. Ad­ mittedly, there have been failures, mis­ takes, blunders in the administration of foreign aid, but I am not sure that these instances have been as many as some persons would have us believe. A Christian is at perfect liberty to examine the foreign aid question and reach his own conclusion, but I believe the article “ No Wonder W e’re Broke” dismisses the accomplishments o f fo r­ eign aid out o f hand and draws a con­ clusion with no argument. Apart from this one small article I value THE K ING ’S BUSINESS and deeply appre­ ciate its ministry. Stephen C. Hart, Brumley, Kent, England AN IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION I am writing about your column CULTS CRITIQUE in the August 1968 issue, the article from The Discemer about the Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement, Rev. Andrew E. Johnson, First Evangelical Free Church, Lin­ coln, Nebr. author. Can you tell me if the Evangelical Free Church is in any way connected with this movement? It is important fo r me to know. I do enjoy THE KING ’S BUSINESS and always read this column. Mrs. J. H. Ehret, Roseburg, Oregon E ditor ’ s N ote : We have hastened to inform this valuable reader that this cult — Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement — has no connection what­ ever with the Evangelical Free Church, one of the great denominations in our country — true to the Word of God, evangelical and missionary. Some of our faculty are members of this de­ nomination. It was an odd coincidence that the name of the founder of the cult and the name of the writer of the article which exposed the cult — in the fine publication of Religion Analysis Service — should have been Johnson. While the Laymen’s Home Mission­ ary Movement in its magazine The Bible Standard, Raymond G. Jolly, Edi­ tor, constantly state that they disagree with Jehovah’s Witnesses in some mat­ ters, the difference between them is that of tweedledum and tweedledee. They, along with the Dawnites, are the chief promoters and exponents of “Pastor ” Russell’s Divine Plan o f the Ages, upon which Jehovah Witnesses and all its splinter cults was founded. There is the same rejection of the trinity, the deity of Christ; the same denial of a literal hell and actual heaven; the same un- scriptural tea ch in g s in regard to Christ’s return and sleep of the soul. Disagreement had to do with leader­ ship. We are glad to set the record straight in case our article puzzled others.

o f various sizes to perpetuate the memories of loved ones. GOAL FOR COMPLETION IS DECEMBER 1969 T o date, over $2,800,000 is accounted for, with some $4,000,000 still to be raised. W e need your gifts—large and small. You, too, can help Wheaton to maintain its strong distinctives in Christian higher education by giving now.

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City ____


of the Dr. Walter L. W ilson Memorial Room at the college, 1111 W. 39th St., Kansas City. The room makes Dr. W il­ son’s books, tape recordings of his mes­ sages, and mementoes of his various careers available to the public for read­ ing, listening, and viewing. DR. JERRY BEAVAN, for 13 years Director of Crusade Planning and O r­ ganization for Evangelist BILLY GRAHAM, is now serving as Consultant and A d vi­ sor for the Haggai Evangelistic Associa­ tion. Last October he formed his own Consultant and Advisory Organization to assist American Evangelical groups. DR . H A RO LD J.

More than superb retirement communities, they are a m y o flife. They offer custom - designed retirement plans to fit individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and semi-suites. They provide completeactive retirement servicewith companionship,recre­ ation,security and independence within a Christian environment. COVENANT PALMS- miami ^Director* 8400 N.W. 25th Avenue •Miami, Florida33147 COVENANT VILLAGE northbrook ^Director.2625Techny Road •Northbrook, Illinois 60062 MOUNTMIGUELCOVENANT VILLAGE sandiego ^Director•325Kempton St•SpringValley,California92077 THESAMARKAND- santabarbara ^Director•2663Tallant Rd•Santa Barbara,California93105 HEARTHSTONE MANOR ‘folsom underdevelopment % Director*6700 Oak Avenue - Folsom, California 95630 Applications are available to persons o fvary­ ing economic levels. Information is available by writing the center o fyour choice.

Scofield Memorial Church of Dallas, Texas will sponsor a 1969 Congress on Prophecy Jan u a ry 5-12, 1969. DR. HARLAN J. ROPER, pastor, announced the general them e for the conference, “What's This World Com ing To?” This conference replaces for this year the annual Southland Keswick Convention sponsored by the church. Speakers will include DR. PAUL BAUMAN, REV. STAN­ LEY COLLINS, DR. WILLIAM CULBERT­ SON, DR. BRUCE W. DUNN, DR. CHARLES L. FEINBERG, DR. LEWIS JOHNSON, DR. MARTIN O. MASSINGER, DR. J. VERNON McGEE, DR. J. DWIGHT PENTECOST, DR. CHARLES C. RYRIE, DR. WILBUR M. SMITH, REV. RAY STED- MAN. Moody Press of Chicago will pub­ lish the Congress addresses in a book with the them e as the title. DR. JACK WYRTZEN, founder and di­ rector of Word of Life Camp, Schroon Lake, New York, has announced the addition of LT. COL. JACK McGUCKIN

O CK ENGA , for the past 32 years m in­ ister of historic Park Street Church in Bos­ ton, has announced his resignation to be­ come p r e s id e n t of Gordon College and D ivinity School, Wen- ham, Mass. He will

Dr. Ockenga

assume his new duties April 1, 1969. The Evangelical Alliance Mission re­ cently completed a stainless steel radio tower in Aruba, Netherlands Antilles. Th e tow er was built to resist rust character­ istic of that area. Shortly after comple­ tion of the new facility, the old tower un­ expectedly collapsed. Executives of the organization consider the order of events providential timing. The General Association of Regular Baptist Churches r e c e iv e d 63 new churches into the Association last year bringing the total num ber to 1316. The average membership per church is listed as 143. “DAY OF DISCOVERY” is a new tele­ vision series being produced in St. Pet­ ersburg, Florida, b y the Radio Bible Class. DR. RICHARD DE HAAN is speak­ er. Th e new television m inistry is a half- hour color telecast released weekly in m any major metropolitan areas in the United States. DR. HAROLD LINDSELL, editor of Christianity Today, Washington, D.C., and DR. FRANCIS R. STEELE, home secretary for North Africa Mission, Upper Darby, Pa., have been elected to the Wheaton College Board of Trustees. Dr. Lindsell will complete the term of DR. WILLIAM McCARRELL who retired from the board last year. Dr. Steele replaces DR. STAN­ LEY OLSON who resigned from the board during the summer. The United States Congress on Evan­ gelism in Minneapolis, Minnesota, will be conducted September 8-14, 1969. It will feature 45 of America’s top leaders. Evangelist BILLY GRAHAM, honorary chairman of the executive comm ittee which is in charge of setting up the Congress, addressed the comm ittee at a recent planning session. He stated, “Such a national congress is needed to

USMC as Internation­ al Coordinator of a new foreign m inistry of the organization. Ten candidates were accepted for o v e r ­ seas assignments to branch out in the m inistry not only to Brazil and Europe but into countries such

" . . . A M IGHTY FORTRESS. . .*

Mr. McCIuckin as Kenya, East Afri­ ca, Argentina, and others. Word of Life has had a foreign program in Brazil for the past ten years. The new Inter­ national Director, Mr. Guckin, is a form er Marine fighter pilot, business executive, and m issionary jungle pilot.

Training Christian Youth for Christian Service • MUSIC • DRAMA • INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS •••a Bible college where every student majors in Bible while enjoying a well-ordered and disciplined campus life in the realm of the physical, spiritual, academic and cultural. For information write: The President

DR. WALTER L. WILSON of Kansas City, Mo., known worldwide as a Bible teacher and preacher, receives a “ book of remembrance” from the REV. ROGER J. ANDRUS, president of Calvary Bible College. T h e book contains letters w rit­ ten to Dr. W ilson marking the opening


Owatonna, Minnesota 5 5 0 6 0


bring together like-minded people in the fellowship of the Gospel. One of our hopes and prayers at the World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin in 1966 was that such congresses would be held in re­ gional areas of the world.’’ DR. CLARENCE R. SANDS, pastor of the First Baptist Church of San Jose, California, was honored during October

for 25 years in Chris­ tian m inistry. More than 750 members of the church attended the event which was held in San Jose at the Santa Clara Coun­ ty Fair G rounds Pa- villion. DR. JOHN H A G G A I and DR. MERV ROSELL, per­ sonal friends of Dr.

Dr. Sands

Sands, were a part of the program . Tele­ gram s of congratulations came from various individuals including California's G overnor RONALD REAGAN, DR. BILLY GRAHAM, DR. BOB PIERCE, DR. VER­ NON GROUNDS, DR. EARL RADMACH- ER, DR. DAVE HUBBARD, AMY LEE STOCKTON (under whose m inistry Dr. Sands was converted), and pioneer New Guinea m issionary friends, REV. and MRS. JERRY ROSE. are some plain facts: The Problem . . . dedicated young men are needed to present the claims of Jesus Christ. . . no question about this fact The Need . . . there are thousands of empty pulpits, waiting for trained and concerned men . . . a staggering fact The Preparation . . . acknowledging the need and heeding the “ call” to serve, first means thorough preparation . . . a recognized fact The School . . . MBI offers a major41 in pastoral studies that will lay the foundation and prepare a young man to face the problem . . . a satisfying fact The Rewa rd . . . a challenging Christian career, fulfilling Christ’s Great Command . . . that's a fact M O R E F A C T S : * By having 60 hours (two years) of acceptable credit in liberal arts, a young man can qualify for the B.A. degree. These 2 years, plus MBI’s 3 years of professional Bible study are the necessary founda­ tion for the future pastor . . . or for further training at seminary.

RICHARD M. NIXON, and DR. BILLY GRAHAM, with members of their families, attended the morning worship service at Calvary Baptist Church, New York C ity on a Sunday in October. DR. STEPHEN OL- FORD is Pastor. Th e visit coincided with Dr. O lford’s return from a preaching tour of Australia, Philippines and Viet Nam. The International Council of Christian Churches, and the American Council of Christian Churches h e ld its Seventh World Assem bly during August of this year. The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis­ sion Society of Wheaton, Illinois, appoint­ ed five new m issionaries at the Septem ­ ber meetings. REV. and MRS. RICHARD OTTO of Wheatridge, Colorado, antici­ pate service in Uganda, East Africa; MR. and MRS. DAVID HARRISON of Shelton, Washington, plan to teach at Hong Kong Baptist College; and M ISS CYNTHIA TILLOTSON, R.N., of Jackson, Michigan, looks forward to service as a m issionary nurse; the area in which she will be lo­ cated has not been determined.

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ual experiences.” Paul was threatened with pride, exaltation above measure. Then too, it is not good for others to hear lest they start seeking “ it,” in­ stead of looking to “Him.” Transfiguration moun­ tain-tops may get us busy building tabernacles to house our visions when we need to see Jesus only. It would never do for some of us to visit third heaven. We would write books about it, put out posters about it, have it reproduced in technicolor, and measure everybody by whether or not they had been there. Such rarefied air makes us dizzy. Few can drink such heady wine without staggering. Even Paul needed a corrective. At any rate, the Christian’s supreme experience is not a trip to Third Heaven. Nor is it A MIGHTY DELIVERANCE. Paul was not delivered from his thorn but if he had been, he would have missed something greater. The roll-call of faith heroes in Hebrews Eleven lists many who were miraculously delivered but it also tells us of others who were not. They “ob­ tained a good report through faith” which is the main thing, after all. The Hebrew children be­ lieved God would save them from the fiery furnace but they made allowance for the possibility that he might not. If they had been spared the furnace, they would not have walked with the Son of Man, “ the fourth in the fire.” God does grant amazing answers to prayer for deliverance but they are not the Christian’s su­ preme experience. Paul, although he did not get rid of his thorn, out-traveled, out-preached, out- wrote and out-performed all his Gospel contem­ poraries. That is pretty spectacular, after all! What is the Christian’s supreme experience? “My grace is sufficient for thee.” Paul discovered what he already knew, that all he needed was in Christ. The factual became actual. It is not what we have but what we know we have that counts. A poor farmer discovered oil on his land. It had been there all the time. His father had toiled for years with a fortune beneath him but he never knew it. It is a matter of making what is yours your own. Joshua asked the children of Israel, “How long are ye slack to go to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you?” The Promised Land was theirs and yet it was not theirs until they possessed it. All things are ours in Christ but appreciation must become appropriation. “ The Lord is rich UNTO ALL THAT CALL UPON HIM. “ The supreme Chris­ tian experience is to get through to Christ Himself and find Him sufficient day by day. It may not sound as exciting to relate at prayer-meeting as a trip to third heaven or a mighty deliverance, but it is better to have heaven come down daily in Christ with us than to be caught up to third heaven once in a life time! As our day, so shall our strength be. We do not eat enough on Monday to last all week. THE KING'S BUSINESS

I n the T welfth C hapter o f Second Corinthi­ ans, Paul moves from height to depth within a few verses, then rises to a happy level. He relates an experience fourteen years past when he visited the third heaven. Then he drops from vision to valley and tells us of his thorn in the flesh from which he sought deliverance which was not grant­ ed. He asked for subtraction but got addition, more grace! Then he rises to glory in God’s strength made perfect in weakness, sufficient for height or depth or any other dimension. This passage ought to settle forever the ques­ tion, “What is the Christian’s greatest experience?” Certainly it is not A TRIP TO THE THIRD HEAVEN. There has been much useless discus­ sion here. Some ask, What did Paul hear? If he couldn’t tell it, how can we explain it? Was he in the body or in the spirit? He didn’t know and how can we? Where is the third heaven? Is it aerial, sidereal or spiritual? That is beside the point. It was a supernatural experience so let it go at that. We like visions, ecstasies, sensational raptures. The theatre-goer seeks escape from reality. The poet looks for it, contemplating beauty. The hippie tries a trip by LSD. God has granted some rare and rich experiences to men such as Paul enjoyed. We have heard some reports that were reliable. Others should be taken with more than a grain o f salt. Some purported visions sound more like nightmares. But all visits to third heaven are dangerous as even Paul dis­ covered. It has been said that “our spiritual ex­ perience can be impoverished by too many spirit- 10

Sometimes it takes a thorn in the flesh to bring us to this experience. Paul wrote, “ THERE WAS GIVEN TO ME a thorn in the flesh.” He glorified in infirmity, but he did not glorify infirmity. He calls it “ a messenger of Satan.” We read elsewhere o f a crippled woman “whom Satan hath bound.” Paul says “ Satan hindered us.” He does not say he was “ Providentially detained.” In the world we shall have tribulation but while we glory in it, let’s not glorify the tribulation. Here lies also an antidote to self-pity. If any­ body could pity himself, Paul might have. But he glories in infirmities THAT THE POWER OF CHRIST MAY REST UPON HIM. He turns stum­ bling-blocks into stepping-stones, burdens to bless­ ings, minus to plus. He doesn’t grumble, he glories! This is neither rebellion, Stoicism nor resignation, but triumphant acceptance. This, then, is the supreme Christian experi­ ence. General Booth died with this precious verse, “My grace is sufficient for thee” in view. Bunyan faced it and had trouble making it personal but it says “ FOR THEE” and he came to believe it. Spur­ geon suggested the folly of a fish wondering wheth­ er the ocean would be big enough, a mouse worried lest the granaries of Egypt might fail, a man on a mountain afraid there would not be enough air, and declared these things no more foolish than a Chris­ tian’s doubting this precious verse. Prebendary Webb-Peploe, at the funeral of his child, faced the same text and raised his head to see on the wall a motto his mother had given him . . . and again the same words! The words “MY,” “ IS” and “ THEE” were in special colors. “How dare ask God to make His grace sufficient,” He wrote, “when He says it IS !” He stepped out on it and became one of the great Keswick preachers. May I add a personal word? I found myself facing old age and a new day in preaching. I won­ dered how I would get along, not strong in body and with such an old-fashioned message. Then I remembered Paul’s word from God: “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” And again, “When I am weak, then am I strong.” I found myself pray­ ing, “Lord, I’ve got the weakness and you’ve got the strength.” We made a deal and when a man teams up with omnipotence, he is invincible and immortal until his work is done. There will al­ ways be enough of all I need to do all God wants me to do as long as He wants me to do it. I have not been to Third Heaven nor can I boast o f amaz­ ing deliverances, but I have found God’s grace in Christ by the Holy Spirit sufficient for every need o f body, mind and spirit. I have nothing, yet I possess all things. Paul, Cephas, Apollos, the world, life, death, things present and to come, all are mine for I am Christ’s and Christ is God’s. That is the Christian’s supreme experience! m

THE FEAST of TRUMPETS T ru th abou t the

S e c o n d C om in g

by Lehman Strauss

“And, the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. Ye shall do no servile work there­ in: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD” (Leviticus 23:23-25). A cursory reading of these three verses re­ veals but a meager explanation, if any, of the Feasts of Trumpets. At once the student of the Bible is led to a diligent search of the Scrip­ tures, for it is right here where he must compare Scripture with Scripture. The Bible undoubtedly is silent in explaining some things that God has said, but we do not believe that this is one o f those instances. Where the Bible is silent, the teacher is wise to remain silent; but here we feel justified in making several observations, and then proceeding to an interpretation and an application of the text.



ment on the day of Pentecost, fifty days after our Lord’s resurrection, the day on which the Church was bom. The indefinite period of time, between the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Feast of Trumpets, is undoubtedly the present Church Age, the Age of the Holy Spirit. Two observations are here suggested, namely, that God is not now deal­ ing with Israel and that there is a day still future, sometime after the close of the present Church Age, when the trumpet will sound for the re­ gathering of Israel. Now is it mere chance that, since Christ came to His own and His own rejected Him (John 1 :11), the temple has been destroyed and the Jewish people have been scattered into all parts of the earth? The past nineteen hundred years have been for the Jews a worse bondage than that of Egypt. The many pogroms of the past which led to Hitler’s latest purge and persecution of the Jews are a prophesied event (Deut. 28:64-67). The Jews’ present suspension is no mere chance or acciden­ tal happening. It is a divinely-executed punitive and corrective measure. God had said, “ For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether un­ punished” (Jer. 30:11). This verse suggests two things, namely, God is punishing His people for their willful disobedi­ ence, and that He will by no means permit their complete and final disaster. Israel’s present rejec­ tion is but a temporary one. Our Lord Jesus Christ referred to Israel’s temporary rejection and future restoration when He said, “ 0 Jerusalem, Jerusa­ lem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you deso­ late. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me hence­ forth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Matt. 23:37-39). Their rejection shall continue “ till” He comes again and they shall say, “Blessed is He that cometh.” The Apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, followed up our Lord’s teaching on Israel’s present rejection and prospective restoration, when he wrote, “ . . . Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” (Rom. 11:25). The present blindness is only “ in part,” that is, not all Jews individually are cut off from any possibility of being saved during the present parenthetical period of God’s dealings with Israel as a nation. We saw in our preceding study of the Feast of Pentecost how that the individual Jew as well as the individual Gentile has the same privi­ lege and possibility of being saved during the Church Age. When Paul adds the words, “And so THE KING'S BUSINESS

Our first observation is the fact that between the Feasts of Pentecost and Trumpets there is an interval of an indefinite period of time. Pentecost was observed in the early part of the third month with no convocations again until the first day of the seventh month. Of the intervals between Feasts, this one is the longest. As to the primary interpre­ tation of these Feasts to Israel, this period be-' tween Pentecost and Trumpets may be looked upon as parenthetical in Israel’s history. The second observation, already mentioned in the first, is the fact that this period o f time be­ tween Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets was of indeterminate length each year. The reason is not difficult to see. The first Feast (Passover) always came on the fourteenth day of the first month (Lev. 23:5), and this date, of course, could fall on any day of the week. The third Feast (Firstfruits) was celebrated the day after the sabbath which followed the Passover (Lev. 23:11). If the fourteenth day of the month were to fall on Friday, the wave- sheaf would be offered on Sunday the sixteenth. But if the fourteenth day of the month came on a Sunday, the next sabbath (Saturday) would come on the twentieth day of the month, causing the wave-sheaf to be offered on the twenty-first day of the month. Inasmuch as Pentecost was always the fiftieth day after the offering of the wave- sheaf, its date and day of the week would likewise vary. Now even though the Feast of Trumpets was always to be held on the first day of the seventh month, the period between Pentecost and Trumpets would be an indefinite one, varying in time from year to year. The third observation is the fact that during this interval there was no special revelation from God to Israel. The Feast of Trumpets is prefaced by a new communication from the Lord, “And the Lord spake unto Moses saying” (Lev. 23:23). Months o f silence passed before God began to mani­ fest Himself to His people. This same fact is true of this present age. There have been no new reve­ lations from God during this age. The Bible is God’s last written revelation to man. With the completion of the Canon o f Scripture, God has not inspired any man or woman to write in the same sense that He inspired the writers of the Old and New Testa­ ments. God’s last word to man has been spoken “by (in R.V.) His Son” (Heb. 1:2). God gave a revelation to Israel “ in time past” (Heb. 1:1). He also gave another revelation to them “ in these last days.” God came down to man “manifest in the flesh” (I Tim. 3:16), His full and final revela­ tion until His Son comes back again. As has been stated, the primary interpretation of these verses is to Israel. What is this indeter­ minate period of time, this long interval between Pentecost and Trumpets? We have seen how that the Feast of Weeks (or Pentecost), in its dispen- sational and prophetic foreview, found its fulfill- 12

all Israel shall be saved,” he means that all Jews living on the earth when Jesus Christ comes back, after “ the times of the Gentiles” have run their course, will be saved. That holy convocation will be the final fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets. H. K. Downie writes, “We have already hinted at the chronological harmony of these feasts, point­ ing out that the actual dispensational fulfillment was on the very same day, and about the same hour of time as the typical incidents took place. The Crucifixion cry, ‘Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit,’ took place almost at the same moment that the priest slew the paschal lamb. The offering of the first ripe sheaf was on the same morning Christ rose from the dead. The descent o f the Holy Spirit was actually on the anniversary morning of the giving of the law. The same chronological har­ mony which characterized the fulfilled feasts will also characterize those awaiting fulfillment. Al­ though we cannot predict the exact year o f their fulfillment, we expect the chronological harmony to be maintained.” Look now at the idea of blowing trumpets. In the life of Israel as a nation the blowing of trum­ pets was an established institution regulating the nation’s worship, walk, work, and warfare. This is set forth in Numbers 10:1-10. Those Old Testa­ ment saints heard the trumpet call many times. The first mention of the trumpet was at Mount Sinai where God called the people together at the nether part of the Mount and where He gave to Moses the Ten Commandments (Ex. 19:13-20). The trumpet was employed symbolically as the voice of God. In times of peace and in times of war the trumpet blast was a familiar sound among the children o f Israel. In the New Testament John also heard the voice of the Lord as of a trumpet (Rev. 1:10; 4 :1). Now for two thousand years the sound of the trumpet has not been heard, but we may be cer­ tain that, just as the first four Feasts have found their anti-type in the Person and work o f our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God shall come again with trumpet sound. We believe the application of this type is in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We understand the Second Coming o f Christ to be in two phases, namely, His coming for His church, and His coming with His church, the latter phase being the time of Israel’s salvation and restoration to the Land of Palestine. The next trumpet sound to be heard will be at the first phase of our Lord’s return for His church, when “ the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (I Thess. 4:16, 17). This will be the “ last trump” of the Church Age (I Cor. JANUARY, 1969

15:51, 52). The Church’s battle against the gates of Hell will have ceased, and the redeemed will be summoned to that holy convocation in the air with Him who loveth us and washed us from our sins in His own Blood. But what about Israel? The Scriptures clearly teach the gathering again of that nation. Christ preferred to gather that nation for a holy convoca­ tion when He was here the first time, for He said, “ 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy chil­ dren together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not” (Matt. 23:37) ! But the people rejected Him. As a consequence, in Matthew, chapter twenty- four, He told of the awful destruction and perse­ cution to befall the nation. Then He concluded the prophecy with the following, “ Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be dark­ ened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matt. 24:29-31). Such a prophecy as given by Jesus Christ is no new thing to the Jew who reads his Old Testa­ ment. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the streams of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem” (Isa. 27:12, 13). “And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God” (Amos 9:15). See also Psalm 81:3, 4. Israel’s hope as a nation is a bright one. Her long-lost glory will be restored, and she will, with genuine repentance and remorse, receive Him to rule over the people. The regathering o f scattered Israel nationally will result in national conversion in the Land which God gave unconditionally to Abraham and his posterity. That day will be a glorious day for the whole earth when sin will be banished forevermore, and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Even so, come quick­ ly, Lord Jesus. Indeed the hope o f this age is Christ’s Second Coming. HU 13

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