King's Business - 1969-01

Somehow, I feel if it were possi­ ble to by-pass the Bema, they would gladly do so but since it is the inevitable, they simply grin and bear it. To be unduly apprehensive of the Bema tends to throw us into the slough of despond and deprive us o f real joy while serving the Lord. Such a condition is a posi­ tive contradiction o f what true service should be. We are enjoined to “ serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling” (Psa. 2: 11 ); and to “ Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again, I say, Rejoice” (Phil. 4 :4 ). All acceptable serv­ ice must be done spontaneously, rejoicingly, from hearts that love the Saviour. “There is no fear in love,” says John, “but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love” (I John 4 :8). I believe there is sufficient evi­ dence throughout the New Testa­ ment to prove that all the apostles anticipated the Bema with keen­ est delight. Paul said: “ For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ as His coming? Ye are our glory and joy” (I Thess. 2:19-20). It was Peter who said, “And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a Crown of glory that fadeth not away” (I Peter 5 :4 ). I think of James who wrote, “ Blessed is the man that endur- eth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath prom­ ised to them th a t lo v e him” (James 1:12). Then again Jude joins this procession of faithful men and singingly declares: “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 24). These men, beloved, are our examples. As they were, so should we be. Always remember that they were subject to like passions as we ourselves are. They were not perfect in life nor did they

You'd be shocked and dismayed by the suffering children of the Orient. Ragged, hungry, homeless little drifters... shoved from pillar to post. Many are orphans. All have tragic backgrounds! Th e y 're inn o ce n t victim s of w ar, poverty, famine and disease. Unlike Am erican children they have no toys, pretty clothes, or happy homes. Life is hard and cruel for them. They desperately need loving care, and this is what you offer them through C O M P A S S IO N . Yes, through C O M P A S S IO N you say to a lonely child, "I love you. I care. I'll share my love w ith yo u ." Th e n, for only $12 a month (just pennies a day) you're a "m o m m y or daddy" o r "b ig brother or sister" to a love-starved child in one of C O M P A S ­ S IO N 'S 200 Christian Homes for children.

Im a g in e ! You a c tu a lly sele ct y o u r ow n boy or girl in India, Korea, Indo­ nesia, H a iti o r A fg h a n is ta n . Y o u r sponsorship provide s go od fo o d , warm clothing, a Christian hom e, medical care and education for the child you choose. A nd you receive great blessing as prayers span the miles. Your child knows you personally by name

and writes to you regularly. Small gifts and greetings are exchanged. Your ow n life is enriched beyond measure. The deep satis­ faction of m olding a young life is yours. What happiness! Follow yo u r heart today. Select one of the chil­ dren shown below . Y ou'll never regret sharing your life and love in this way.

I I Kum Jo

fl You will receive a lovely, P U colorful hand-embroidered “ ° tapestry direct from the Orient if you sponsor a needy child. These lovely souvenirs are made by the children In a COMPASSION Home in Korea.


YES ! I want to sponsor a needy child today. Send me case history and photo of child I have selected, along with full particulars. I understand I may discontinue at any time.

(jm pQ Ssion Rev. Henry Harvey, President 7774 Irving Park Road, Dept. K1 Chicago, Illinois 60634

(Canadian residents write Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario) My choice is ------------------------------------------------------if this child has been chosen, please select similar child. I prefer a □ boy or Q girl, approximately________ years old, from the land o f ___________________________ . Please rush FULL particulars. Enclosed is D $12 for first month □ $144 for first year. □ Select a child for me from the most needy country. □ I am unable to sponsor, but wish to contribute $_________________for general child care. □ Please rush further information today. Nam*________________________________________ ____________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ __________ City-------------------------------------------state_______________________zip.

Make checks payable to Compassion Inc., an interdenominational. Gov. approved, non-profit corporation. Contributions are tax deductible.



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