King's Business - 1969-01


ceptable before a holy God. Faith believes that there is a life in the hereafter, and that this mortal life is only a prelude to that which is to come. The determining fac­ tor as to where he will spend that life is incumbent upon what he does with Jesus Christ. Faith has been the bridge that has brought him across the Great Divide. Now this new child of God for­ mulates a set of teachings accord­ ing to his understanding o f the Bible and according to what the church to which he belongs teaches. All too often, too tragically of­ ten, this teaching, while general­ ly basically sound and good (in fundamental, B ib le -b e lie v in g churches), relegates faith to the past and future tenses. The past tense relates to the Person and work of Christ while here on earth and what He accomplished by His death and resurrection. The future tense puts faith into the perspective of looking down the corridor of time to when the Lord comes again, the blessed Heavenly Home and the enjoy­ ment of Christ for all the eterni­ ties to come. Faith falls into the category of Eb en e z e r ( “hitherto hath the Lord helped us” ) and Maranatha ( “behold He cometh” ). The faith of the daily walk of this new believer generally is left to “works.” The Lord has saved him by faith, and now he is to “work out his own salvation with fear and trembling.” “ Faith with­ out works is dead” and he is taught to believe that while faith was the active agent in salvation, the agent in the day-to-day walk must be works, for one simply cannot sit back on his laurels and do nothing! Has the world ever witnessed a church that is as busy as the church today? Has the world ever seen so many Christians moving at such an active pace, and with so many “ irons in the fire?” Has the world ever seen so many meet­ ings going on - almost daily? Has the world ever seen so many dis­ turbed individuals who call them-

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