King's Business - 1969-01

the Christian army, and you need to get “ red-hot for Jesus.” Appearances have to be kept up and so there is no slowing down on the whirl o f activities, until a nervous breakdown, or physical and mental exhaustion, or a move, causes one to come to a halt. Then the question arises, “How could this happen to a Christian, one who loved the Lord and worked so hard for Him?” Have you ever studied careful­ ly the life of our Lord? He was never in a hurry, never impressed by numbers, never a slave of the clock. He moved methodically on His Father’s time-table— always. His was a life of faith. Can we not learn from Him? He who is our Saviour by faith also wants to be our Lord - by faith. As we accepted Him for eternal salvation by faith, He wants us to also trust Him, daily, a step at a time, by faith. Our works, our labor o f love, our efforts, are all to be simply His works, and labor, and effort through us. He wants to control us so that His activities through us will be effective. If we will but turn over the reins o f our total being to Him who is our “ Possessor,” the One who right­ fully owns us, then the 20th cen­ tury “ Christian rat-race” will not be our lot! He will guide and lead into the areas and activities that will be for His glory and our good. There are still quiet waters and green pastures in the hustle and bustle o f this present age for the believer who knows his God. He does not get frustrated and anxious, nor will we as we let Him work in and through us. Other Christians m ight th ink that we are out of step with the times, but never mind, we are list­ ening to a different drum beat, not the wild, excited, crashing, syncopated beat o f the pseudo- Christian drummers. Faith was the beginning. Faith is the daily walk “ in-between.” And Faith will be the consuma- tion of our lives. “ For without faith it is impos­ sible to please Him.” EE

selves followers o f Christ? Has the world ever seen or heard of so many nervous breakdowns among the Christian population? Has the world ever seen so many divorces in so-called Christian homes ? Can it be that the teachings of the meek and lowly Jesus engen­ ders such conditions in His fol­ lowers ? The world in its own mad, confused whirl of activities is not overly interested in mov­ ing out of its own “ rat-race” into another! Wherein lies the trouble? Don’t pass the buck to the preacher! The preachers themselves seldom know the answer, for in too many cases they are the propagators of the “ church rat-race” and once the treadmill is started, it is hard to find a stopping point at which to get off. The world has a saying, or is it a song: “ Stop the world; I want to get off.” Christians - all too many of them - echo the same feelings. Why? Why? Why? The ques­ tion looms larger and larger as the spinning goes faster and fast­ er. Is it simply the times in which we live or could there be some­ thing wrong in our teaching? Can we back-track a little? Can we go back to the time when we entered into this new life by faith, and were falsely informed, not intentionally of course, ig­ norantly perhaps, that now we were to “ labor for the Master.” Believing that because He had done so much for us, we should do our utmost for Him, we rolled up our sleeves, stuck out our chins a bit further, and started wading into the fight. “ Involve­ ment means participation,” and so we began “participating” in everything! Before long we were moving rapidly in all directions, ignorantly supposing that activi­ ty equalled progress! Is this not too often the case? If you are not involved, in every­ thing, then you simply are not “ spiritual,” you are a “ luke-warm Christian” not buying up the op­ portunities ! You are a slacker in

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