King's Business - 1969-01

will obey and the laws they will ignore. We have those who believe that disrespect for the law should be confronted with the club or a gun. Parents across our land are concerned with the use of drugs and dope among our young peo­ ple. So, where do we turn? What do we do ? How many of us — refer­ ring back to James — “ . . . deny the truth that you must recognize in your inmost heart” ? How many of us have given real thought to the commandment: “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart” ? We are a part of a social struc­ ture that is growing more crowd­ ed with each passing day. It is becoming more difficult for an in­ dividual to establish an identity. The older among us are too busy and too preoccupied to communi­ cate with the younger. Our con­ sciences become hardened by con­ tinuing exposure to both the con­ temptible and the pitiable. Un­ able or unwilling to take correc­ tive measures, we offer at first only our contempt or our pity. Contempt and pity give way to acceptance. Acceptance leads fin­ ally to the worst attitude of all— uneasy indifference, anomalous as that may seem. We ignore with the vain hope that the distasteful or the hard to solve problem will somehow go away. I wonder if it isn’t time for each o f us to reflect upon Genesis 4 :8-9. Remember that, after Cain slew his brother, the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel, thy brother?” Cain replied, “ I know not. Am I my brother’s keeper?” The answers is YES. I am my brother’s keeper. Each o f us is his brother’s keeper, and in the eyes of God all of us are brothers. We dare not be indifferent to our brothers’ needs, whether those needs be material, spiritual, or just plain communication. There is a solution to the prob­ lems of this world — turn to God.



hy General Harold K . Johnson Chief of Staff, U.S. Army F or m y t e x t I turn to James 3 : 13-18, in the Phillips transla­ tion: “Are there some wise and un­ derstanding men among you? Then your lives will be an exam­ ple of the humility that is bom of true wisdom. But if your heart is full of rivalry and bitter jeal­ ousy, then do not boast of your wisdom — don’t deny the truth that you must recognize in your inmost heart. “ You may acquire a certain superficial wisdom, but it does not come from God — it comes from this world, from your own lower nature, even from the devil. For wherever you find jealousy and rivalry you also find disharmony and all other kinds of evil. “ The wisdom that comes from God is first utterly pure, then peace-loving, gentle, approach­ able, full of tolerant thoughts and kindly actions with no breath of favoritism or hint of hypocrisy. And the wise are peacemakers who go on quietly sowing for a harvest of righteousness—in oth­ er people and in themselves.” Our nation today is troubled and uneasy. We have those who believe that we should pull out of Vietnam and all of Southeast Asia. We have those who believe we are not doing enough in South­ east Asia. We have those who be­ lieve that we are not doing enough for the underprivileged o f our own country. We have those who believe that we are fostering and harboring a segment o f parasites within our population. We have those who believe that the laws of our land can be flouted and that they can choose the laws they

A surgeon must be proficient with his scalpel. An engineer is lost without a slide rule. What can a lawyer research with­ out his library? What are your plans for the fu­ ture? Are you thinking of some Christian ministry? If so, your one prime tool is the Bible. For over a quarter-century ABC has prepared hundreds of young people in its ef­ fective use. As a Christian worker you’ll learn how to wield this instrument, sharper than any physician's knife. You’ll discover internal and external evi­ dences of Scripture providing an in- errant ’’rule” of life. You’ll become thoroughly acquainted with this "Library” of books and of its effec­ tive use. If you plan on the pastorate, mis­ sion field, evangelism, music, Chris­ tian education or some other minis­ try, the Word of God is your tool. The Bible is ABC’s main focal thrust. Our graduates fulfill the scriptural definition of workmen who need not to be ashamed. Master the tool of your trade . . . the Bible . . . at the Arizona Bible College. Learning isn’t an assembly line process at ABC. More classes allow for a better student-faculty relation­ ship. This means more involvement and personal attention for you. A Christ-centered education is your most important investment for the future. ABC has a distinguished history in providing the best! Write today for a free descriptive catalog.

3025 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz.



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