King's Business - 1969-01

There is a solution to the conflicts between nations — turn to God. There is a solution to the prob­ lems o f our cities and o f our streets — turn to God. Not in a superficial way, but in a human and compassionate way — as man to man and friend to friend. There is a solution to the problem of our young — together with them, turn to God. “What’s in it for me?” Just the satisfaction of becoming a com­ passionate human being. Finally, if we ever wonder how far we should carry our love for one another, remember that Je­ sus was not content with the old commandment to love our neigh­ bors as ourselves. True to His manner, He added glorious new dimensions to that injunction by saying, in the words o f our final text, "This is my commandment, That ye love one another as I have loved you.” We can never hope to match His matchless love, but we grow in grace and glory every time we try. m

churches survived? The answer is Spiritual Cement. The dentist uses various kinds of cement with amazing properties to hold bridges, crowns and inlays in position against all the stresses of chewing. The mason uses mortar in constructing a brick wall that defies indefinitely all the forces o f weather­ ing. The lumber mill manufactures plywood with a glue that results in wood structures stronger than the natural pieces. There is something comparable in the spiritual world — spiritual cement. In Acts 2:42 we read, ‘‘And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellow­ ship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” The Holy Spirit had come; 3,000 people joined the believ­ ers in one day; the New Testament church was born. The binding mate­ rial or spiritual cement that fastened this vast throng of people into a unique social and spiritual group consisted of four ingredients — doc­ trine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. All teachings of the scriptures are doctrines. The importance o f doc­ trine is indicated by its being listed first. True spiritual unity must arise first from sound scriptural teachings. We are to hold fast the form of sound words. We are to preach the Word. All this contrasts sharply with the ecumenical architects who encourage organizational unity with doctrinal diversity. The first ingre­ dient o f spiritual cement is doctrine — the apostles’ doctrine. Therefore, let us teach doctrine in our Sunday Schools, worship services, youth pro­ grams and in our homes. The shock­ ing ignorance of the Bible by faith­ ful evangelicals urges us to turn our Sunday Schools into schools that meet on Sunday; to give assignments to pupils; to have class recitations and written quizzes; to give grades. Repetition of Bible stories and ele­ mental salvation themes devotionally presented have dulled the interest of our youth. They couldn’t care less about Elijah, Abraham and Paul, but they would respond to Bible doctrine dealing with Palestine, the origin of man, compatibility with parents, sex information, morality, and influenc­ ing others for Christ. They are ac­ customed to demanding assignments in public schools. Why not make our Sunday Schools challenging by doc­ trinal studies graded to the age? New interest will appear in our pu­ pils, if lesson material and teaching really offer a learning situation. The second ingredient of spiritual cement is fellowship. The words com­ mon, communion, community, com­ munist all come from the same word

A pictorial tribute to the half century of Christian service God gave to Charles E. Fuller, known world-wide through the Old Fashioned Revival Hour.

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Send today for current study on chapter four. Clip and mail today.

RAYS OF REVELATION Box K4, 604 No. Clark St. Chicago, Illinois 60610

Name____....— — ................. ......................... ....... Street---------------- -— ........— .........— ..................... City...— .— ...........................— -------------— .............. State.....................................-------Zip-----------------....------- "THE BOOK OF REVELATION EXPLAINED” This book is now made so plain that all believers can understand it. There are 13 statements that could only be ful­ filled with our modern inventions, prov­ ing the stage is set. 2. “ God’s Great Judgment on Russia and the Battle of Armageddon.” With an analysis of future prophetic events. 3. “ The Great Prophecy about the Last Days.” A marvelous picture from the Bible of the days in which we live. 4. “ The Great Sovereignty of God and How He Rules the World.” It explains one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible. 5. “ God’s Way of Redemption.” A very important Bible Exposition. 6. “ The Great Problems of the Middle East in the Light of the Bible.” It ex­ plains the Jewish Arab situation. 7. “ The Fall of Man, the Curse, and how Christ Redeemed us from the Curse when He was Crucified.” 8. “ How the Word of God warns us against the Ecumenical Movement and a World Church.” All eight for $1.85 REV. ANDREW OLSEN Bible Expositor Sequim, Washington 98382

SPIRITUAL CEMENT b y W . iff. W h i t w e l l

F o r n e a r l y local as­ semblies of believers in Christ have perpetuated themselves and girdled the globe in spite of perse­ cution and indifference from the world, and internal weakness of members. No other human organiza­ tion apart from the home can dupli­ cate this record. What holds them to g e th e r ? How have these 2,000 y e a r s



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