King's Business - 1969-01

*a message from the editor *

A V I E ym /m m l


I T h a s b e e n n o t e d recently in the newspapers that one o f the features o f the recent World Council o f Churches Assembly held in Uppsala was the reading o f a "message o f encourage­ ment and blessing” from the Pope to the two thousand partici­ pants o f this assembly. According to the newspaper accounts, the Pope told the delegates, "Everything you do to advance the cause o f the unity o f all Christians will be blessed by the Lord.” He referred warmly to plans for the Council in the Roman Catholic Church to "extend their collaboration.” This concept o f coopera­ tion was also emphasized in a letter which was read to the dele­ gates from the president o f the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity. He wrote in part, "W e are bound together in the Ecu­ menical task. . . . It is indeed the will o f the Lord that all Chris­ tians should be gathered together in the communion o f a single church.” Now all o f this sounds very noble and pious, and no one is doubting the sincerity o f the Roman Catholic leadership in wishing men o f all o f the Protestant faiths to unite under the umbrella o f the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, there are other indications that have led individuals to believe that perhaps the Roman Catholic Church was willing to yield on some o f its tenets in order that the concept o f union might be furthered so that all men might dwell in unity under the banner o f one great church. But what the Roman Catholic Church actually has in mind is evidently something quite different from that which our Protes­ tant denominational visionaries would have us believe. At the same time this World Council was being held in Sweden, another extremely significant news item appeared in the papers under the heading "Pope Urges Catholics to Hold to All Dogma.” The three-thousand word "credo o f the people o f God” was delivered to a crowd o f approximately 40,000 people in St. Peter’s Square. It was cited as the most comprehensive pronounce­ ment on faith o f the present Pope’s reign. Among other things he "listed the importance o f baptism, the Roman Catholic Church as the only true church, the need for a church hierarchy, the infallibility o f the Pope and o f Bishops as a body under the

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