King's Business - 1969-01

TODAY 'S STUDENTS . . . tomorrow’s leaders

Pontiff, the mass as a real enactment o f Christ’s death, the Eucharist as the true body and blood o f Jesus, and the existence o f Paradise, Purgatory, and Hell.” Among other points he stressed the traditional Catholic teaching on Mary. "We believe that Mary is the mother who remained ever a virgin o f the incarnate word our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.” He explained in some detail the doctrine o f the infallibility o f the Pope. "W e believe 'in the infallibility enjoyed by the successor o f Peter when he teaches ex cathedra as pastor and teacher o f all o f the faithful and which is assured also to the episcopal body when it exercises with him the supreme magisterium-teaching.” O f the Communion Service or the Eucharist, the Pope stated, "Every theological ex­ planation which seeks some understanding o f this mystery must in order to be in accord with the Catholic faith maintain that in the reality itself independently o f our mind the bread and, wine have ceased to exist after the consecration so that it is the adorable body and blood of the Lord Jesus.” Through the centuries, it has been claimed with pride by the Catholic priesthood and with despair by Protestant ecumenicists, that "Rome never changes.” There are those in the various Protestant denominations who are loudly proclaiming the notion that there are winds o f change that are being felt within the Roman Catholic Church itself, and they are advocating more and more collaboration with the au­ thorities o f Rome to the end that there might be an ever-increas­ ing unity o f spirit and cooperation o f activity and organization between the great branches o f the faith, namely the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. O f course, we quite agree that the Pope and the Bishop o f the Roman Catholic Church have a perfect right to believe what they choose to believe, but by the same token we claim to have an equal right to believe what we choose to believe what we see proclaimed in the Word o f God. We deplore the efforts o f these "do-gooders” who, posing as leaders o f the great Protestant movement, are trying to wheedle and cajole the Protestant laity into thinking that union with the Roman Catholic Church is a good thing and is moving along toward a glorious fruition which may surely come to pass just "around the corner.” The Roman Church is not giving up any­ thing by way o f essential doctrine. This simply means that if there is to be any sort o f a union whatsoever, it is the Protestants who must surrender many o f their essential doctrines to bring about such a unity. We hold that the pope is not infallible in any sense o f the word; that he is a sinner like all other human beings, and that if he is to be saved, he must be saved through faith in the shed blood o f the Lord Jesus Christ like any other sinner. We hold that Peter personally was not infallible in any sense of the word. His writings in the New Testament, however, were inspired by God the Holy Spirit, and they are infallible-without error. We hold that Jesus Christ is the God-man. He was con­ ceived in the womb o f the virgin Mary. She was the mother o f cont. on page Uh

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