King's Business - 1969-01

WIMT MOTIVATED THIS DONOR TO CHOOSE WHEATON FOR A $25,000 GIFT? You, too. will agree with her reasons. . . "Be°aT , 2 o 2 » today and °ls tor Christ and His you. My prayer purchase a *25-°“ 1“ “ his annuity. 0««™ ”« ht In that m to folio* onr li««i Lord Jesus “^ “ ided to because Wheaton has remained steadfast . . . for Christ and His Kingdom This lady, like so many faithful supporters of the College, gave generously because of confidence in Wheaton’s unswerving adherence to historic, orthodox Christianity, both in doctrine and practice. Wheaton’s academic excellence, the quality of its curricular program and its very institutional vitality, are all intimately related to this fundamental set of convictions. It is the purpose of Wheaton’s administration not only to sustain but to deepen and strengthen this commitment in the days ahead. For this we need the continued support of concerned Christians. a $7,000,000 advancement program . . . for Christ and His Kingdom The need for more adequate facilities prompted the College trustees to launch the $7,000,000 program . . . $2,000,000 for a new science unit and $1,500,000 for a new library building. The other half is for endowment toward the opera­ tion and maintenance of enlarged facilities. WHEATON’S POSITION ON FEDERAL AID . . . Wheaton College has not sought federal funds for these projects since it wishes to preserve its inde­ pendence and its distinctive Christian emphasis. MEMORIALS . . . Both buildings provide opportunity for named memorials

handbill than an article in THE K ING ’ S BUSINESS. The article implies that little or nothing has been accomplished through the foreign aid program. No arguments are presented to back up this statement. I believe that God is pleased with nations and governments that help other nations in distress. I agree that such help brings eternal salvation to no one. It is absolutely vital fo r evangelical believers to proclaim the Gospel o f Christ to every nation. Ad­ mittedly, there have been failures, mis­ takes, blunders in the administration of foreign aid, but I am not sure that these instances have been as many as some persons would have us believe. A Christian is at perfect liberty to examine the foreign aid question and reach his own conclusion, but I believe the article “ No Wonder W e’re Broke” dismisses the accomplishments o f fo r­ eign aid out o f hand and draws a con­ clusion with no argument. Apart from this one small article I value THE K ING ’S BUSINESS and deeply appre­ ciate its ministry. Stephen C. Hart, Brumley, Kent, England AN IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION I am writing about your column CULTS CRITIQUE in the August 1968 issue, the article from The Discemer about the Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement, Rev. Andrew E. Johnson, First Evangelical Free Church, Lin­ coln, Nebr. author. Can you tell me if the Evangelical Free Church is in any way connected with this movement? It is important fo r me to know. I do enjoy THE KING ’S BUSINESS and always read this column. Mrs. J. H. Ehret, Roseburg, Oregon E ditor ’ s N ote : We have hastened to inform this valuable reader that this cult — Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement — has no connection what­ ever with the Evangelical Free Church, one of the great denominations in our country — true to the Word of God, evangelical and missionary. Some of our faculty are members of this de­ nomination. It was an odd coincidence that the name of the founder of the cult and the name of the writer of the article which exposed the cult — in the fine publication of Religion Analysis Service — should have been Johnson. While the Laymen’s Home Mission­ ary Movement in its magazine The Bible Standard, Raymond G. Jolly, Edi­ tor, constantly state that they disagree with Jehovah’s Witnesses in some mat­ ters, the difference between them is that of tweedledum and tweedledee. They, along with the Dawnites, are the chief promoters and exponents of “Pastor ” Russell’s Divine Plan o f the Ages, upon which Jehovah Witnesses and all its splinter cults was founded. There is the same rejection of the trinity, the deity of Christ; the same denial of a literal hell and actual heaven; the same un- scriptural tea ch in g s in regard to Christ’s return and sleep of the soul. Disagreement had to do with leader­ ship. We are glad to set the record straight in case our article puzzled others.

o f various sizes to perpetuate the memories of loved ones. GOAL FOR COMPLETION IS DECEMBER 1969 T o date, over $2,800,000 is accounted for, with some $4,000,000 still to be raised. W e need your gifts—large and small. You, too, can help Wheaton to maintain its strong distinctives in Christian higher education by giving now.

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