King's Business - 1969-01

bring together like-minded people in the fellowship of the Gospel. One of our hopes and prayers at the World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin in 1966 was that such congresses would be held in re­ gional areas of the world.’’ DR. CLARENCE R. SANDS, pastor of the First Baptist Church of San Jose, California, was honored during October

for 25 years in Chris­ tian m inistry. More than 750 members of the church attended the event which was held in San Jose at the Santa Clara Coun­ ty Fair G rounds Pa- villion. DR. JOHN H A G G A I and DR. MERV ROSELL, per­ sonal friends of Dr.

Dr. Sands

Sands, were a part of the program . Tele­ gram s of congratulations came from various individuals including California's G overnor RONALD REAGAN, DR. BILLY GRAHAM, DR. BOB PIERCE, DR. VER­ NON GROUNDS, DR. EARL RADMACH- ER, DR. DAVE HUBBARD, AMY LEE STOCKTON (under whose m inistry Dr. Sands was converted), and pioneer New Guinea m issionary friends, REV. and MRS. JERRY ROSE. are some plain facts: The Problem . . . dedicated young men are needed to present the claims of Jesus Christ. . . no question about this fact The Need . . . there are thousands of empty pulpits, waiting for trained and concerned men . . . a staggering fact The Preparation . . . acknowledging the need and heeding the “ call” to serve, first means thorough preparation . . . a recognized fact The School . . . MBI offers a major41 in pastoral studies that will lay the foundation and prepare a young man to face the problem . . . a satisfying fact The Rewa rd . . . a challenging Christian career, fulfilling Christ’s Great Command . . . that's a fact M O R E F A C T S : * By having 60 hours (two years) of acceptable credit in liberal arts, a young man can qualify for the B.A. degree. These 2 years, plus MBI’s 3 years of professional Bible study are the necessary founda­ tion for the future pastor . . . or for further training at seminary.

RICHARD M. NIXON, and DR. BILLY GRAHAM, with members of their families, attended the morning worship service at Calvary Baptist Church, New York C ity on a Sunday in October. DR. STEPHEN OL- FORD is Pastor. Th e visit coincided with Dr. O lford’s return from a preaching tour of Australia, Philippines and Viet Nam. The International Council of Christian Churches, and the American Council of Christian Churches h e ld its Seventh World Assem bly during August of this year. The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mis­ sion Society of Wheaton, Illinois, appoint­ ed five new m issionaries at the Septem ­ ber meetings. REV. and MRS. RICHARD OTTO of Wheatridge, Colorado, antici­ pate service in Uganda, East Africa; MR. and MRS. DAVID HARRISON of Shelton, Washington, plan to teach at Hong Kong Baptist College; and M ISS CYNTHIA TILLOTSON, R.N., of Jackson, Michigan, looks forward to service as a m issionary nurse; the area in which she will be lo­ cated has not been determined.

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