Bridging the GAPs: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms

Figure 1 - Example of operating and critical limits and their use in an irrigation water treatment system using chlorination (Source: Michelle Danyluk, University of Florida).

True or False: There may be more than one critical limit established in an irrigation water treatment system. • True • False

Monitor ing

Once critical limits have been established, routine checks of the system must be implemented to make sure critical limits are met. This is referred to as monitoring, which is defined as the conduction of a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether a process, point, or procedure is under control and to produce an accurate record for future use in verification. In general, monitoring determines that control measures are performed to reduce the risk of hazards and provide evidence that critical limits are being met. Without documented monitoring, there is no way to know or prove that critical limits are consistently being met and the hazards are controlled. In addition, monitoring allows growers to track the system data and identify trends indicating a loss of control. This allows for action to be taken before a deviation occurs. In addition, documented monitoring provides written documentation (or proof) that the process is in control and working as intended.

Monitoring involves developing a plan for the following questions:

What will be monitored?


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