Bridging the GAPs: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms


Accurate recordkeeping is essential in assuring your treatment system is working as intended. Records provide proof that critical limits are being met, and if problems do occur, records provide a paper trail for the corrective actions that were taken as a result of a deviation. In addition, records make up an indispensable component of monitoring, allowing for trends to be tracked and adjustments to be made before there is a loss of control within the treatment system. This allows for continuous improvement to a farm’s overall food safety program.

Records must be kept for the following activities:


Corrective actions

Verification activities

• Validation to support established critical limits (i.e., scientific studies, EPA registration)

• Training for individuals responsible for monitoring and implementing corrective actions

Monitoring records should include the following information:

Form title

Farm name and location

Time and date

• Water use identification (i.e., fields and commodities applied to)

• Actual observation or measurement at the time observed

Critical limits

Operator’s signature or initials

• Date of review and reviewer signature or initials

It is important to avoid common mistakes when completing records by establishing the following practices:

• Record actual observations, i.e., do not provide a check-mark where actual data monitored (e.g., temperature or free chlorine concentration)

• Include a signature or initials of the individual completing the record


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