King's Business - 1951-10

P P I J I S U C C E S S ! |ül-. . and how YOU can attain it through ...

"JOHN DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more harm to Am erican youn g people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacherof years of experience. Are you equipped to refute the fallacies of this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s hook ex­ posingDeweyism. Give copies to your friends, especially the teachers of your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES OF F. R. TENNANT and JOHN DEWEY, over fiv e hundred pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President S h e l t o n f f i o U e g e 340 W est 55 th S treet N ew Y ork 19, N. Y.

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12 Helpful Serial Writings for the Christian Seeking true Success by the Evangelical British authors— GODFREYROBINSON andSTEPHENWINWARD beginning in October E T E R N I T Y Success is what most o f Us want. We are spurred on by its promise. We are haunted by inferiority if we fail to attain it. Co-authors, Robinson and Winward, face the problem from a Christian view­ point in THE ART OF LIVING. ETERN ITY publishes this pop­ ular material— the first time in America—in serial form beginning with the October issue. Your family, your friends, your job, your leisure, your ambitions, your moods—are defined in relation to your God-given talents and opportunities in THE ART OF LIVING. Written in plain language . . . undistorted by high-sounding tech­ nical terms. Here is compelling, and inspiring helpful reading for the evangelical Christian who seeks the true success that comes only "through consecration to the glory of God.”

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Ministry in Japan Thank you very much for sending the King’s Business to us regularly. This is the only magazine which has been for­ warded to us since we came to Japan. At present we are responsible for five meetings a week. The Lord’s Day begins with Sunday school in our home at 0800. The Lord has given us three splendid young people who teach the three classes. The service for the men in uni­ form is held at 1015. The day closes with a combination English and Japa­ nese service in our home. Each Monday and Friday evening, we have a combined English and Bible class. C haplain C arl B lackler Japan “ Didn’t Know the Need” I have been very interested in reading in the King’s Business of Dr. Talbot’s travels in South America. Some time ago we sponsored a Biola student for her training for the mission field. When she went to the Kentucky mountains we felt she had let us down, but since reading the article in the June King’s Business about the work there, I feel differently. I know now that it is a very good cause and also see why she went there instead of to a foreign mission field. I had no idea we had such condi­ tions so near home. M rs . E. S. B evan Littleton, W . Va, Some Disagree With Us I have liked your magazine a lot, but can’t agree with you on the idea of taking up space to condemn or criticize the Seventh-Day Adventists or any re­ ligious denomination. M rs . O scar A llen Woodburn, Ore. I was so sorry to read that vicious article in your magazine about a fine group, the Seventh-Day Adventists. Mr. Jones needs to get right with God. I am surprised you would allow it to be published. God is using these people. There is no one group that can say, “We are the elite of Heaven.” Be careful what you publish about God’s children, j K. S hepherd Berkeley, Calif. “ Each Issue Helps” I enjoy the King’s Business and find many good helps toward better Christian living in it. Each issue is a great help to me. M rs . I da M ae B oeppler Oakland, Calif. Your magazine is wonderful! I not only take' it myself, but I like it so well I have subscribed for it for five of my family who live in other parts of the country. They have written me how very much they like it also. M rs . C. A gnor J ohnson Seattle, Washington O C T O B E R , 1 9 5 1

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1951, The King’s Business No part o f this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 42 OCTOBER, 1951 No. 10 Redder Reaction ........................................................................................... 3 Editorially Speaking .................................................................................. 4 The Work and the Workers, William W. O r r ....................... .*.............. 5 Dr. Talbot’s Question B o x .......................................................................... 6 The Backsliding Heifer, Edward B. H a r t ............................................ 7 The Bible in the News, William W. Orr . ................................................ 9 Poem, Behold He Cometh! Henry B. Knox ..... ....................................... 9 Israel Lives Again! George T. B. D a v is ................................................ 10 Take Hold o f God! Vance Havner ......................................................... 12 Suggested Bibliography for Outgoing Missionaries, Everett F. H a rrison ............................................................................ 14 Biola Family C ir c le ....................... .................. ; ....................................... 15 So You’re Going to Use a Film! Harold V. Graham ..............................16 The President’s Fall Itin e ra ry ................................................................. 17 Poem, But Still I Wait.................. 18 Book Reviews, Donald G. Davis ................................................................. 18 The Days o f Miracles Are Not Over....................................................... 19 Junior King’s Business: Ndala’s Canary, Martha L. M u i r ............... 20 Miscellanea ................................................................................................... 22 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. W ils o n .............................................. 23 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison A rr ow o od ............. 27 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ......................................................... 33 Picture Credits: Cover, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. V a .; pg. 7, Kenneth Esselstrum, La Crescenta, Calif.; pg. 10 ,Israel Office o f Information, Los Angeles; pg. 11, Valeska, Los Angeles; pg. 20, Harmon. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 18, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three

slightest doubt in our minds but that we are reaping the evil harvest today of the Scripture-less homes of yesterday. God, who in the beginning made man, is well aware of the laws and principles by which man’s life should be regulated. He knows that the right kind of char­ acter needs the central pole of an abso­ lute, which He has provided in the knowledge of Himself, His own moral attributes and the certainty of punish­ ment when mankind forsakes these prin­ ciples. Without such an anchor mankind is swept along in the whirlpool of hu­ man vagaries and foundationless specu­ lation. The only result which can ever be expected is a life lived on the premise of selfishness. Nor will our country’s tragic condition ever be eliminated until we get back to the old-fashioned premise of godly fear and reverence for His Book. Would to God there was an honest person in high office who would stand to his feet and, with the foresight of the prophets of old, thunder across our broad acres this cardinal truth. Would to God that the pulpits of our land were given over to the fearless proclamation of God’s truth; that from every house of God the message of repentance and con­ trition would echo and re-echo. Would to God that our national leaders were so convicted of their own sinful hearts that they would give our land the example of what happens when a man seeks the par­ don of a gracious God. Yet, if the prophetic Scriptures be true, this will never happen. Conditions will grow worse and worse until they cannot be cured. Then God Himself will call a halt to this whole refarious busi­ ness and will send His Son to rule and reign righteously. Thank God that day may not be very far off. But until it dawns let each child of God labor might­ ily to spread abroad the gospel story and live righteously in order that the truth of God be not blasphemed on his account. It Pays To Advertise Whoever coined that phrase many years ago certainly knew what he was talking about. We could no more have a successful business today without a large advertising department than we could have day without the rising of the sun. Today advertising is big business and astounding amounts of money are poured into advertising coffers. People are literally forced to buy this or that because of the titanic pressure exerted by clever advertising agents. No one is free from this influence. Everyone is affected in a thousand and one different ways. Nor would all of this be too bad if there were always truth in advertising, but the sad facts of the case show that in case after case advertisers,* in order to sell their products and gain their ends, will loudly scream the things which are either half truths or complete un­ truths. Nor does it seem to make much difference whether the claims be bona fide or not as long as enough money is

our Saviour, performing His unfinished work as He, while admitting our sins and transgressions, also reminds all who want to hear, that His blood wonder­ fully atones for every sin. The unfinished work of Christ is the most soul-satisfying assurance of our stability in the Christian life of all God’s sure intent of keeping those whom He has saved at such infinite cost. There Is No Mystery About It Our country is terribly upset and well it may be. Various public officials have expressed their grave concern and edi­ tors have been writing column after col­ umn over the question of the growing moral'decay of our land. Graft and cor­ ruption seem to be increasing while far too many of our citizens openly and knowingly condone dishonest practices. Over the past several years the nation has been shaken to its moral foundations by “ Five Percenters,” “ Basketball fixes,” mink coats, deep freeze boxes and finally the West Point cadet scandal. The re­ cent investigation by a congressionally- appointed committee revealed a shocking indifference on the part of even respec­ table citizens with regard to this alarm­ ing situation. Editor after editor has searched the horizon for the culprit on which to place the blame. Our secondary schools and colleges have come in for a thorough going-over. The ease of life and abun­ dance of money have been blamed for this alarming and unhealthy tendency. Con­ gress has been roundly censured and the president has drawn his share of blame for their part in the chain of circum­ stances which would lead a nation to forget things that are right and wink at things which are wrong. But in al­ most every case the blame is being placed on the symptoms rather than on the cause of the disease. These things are effects rather than the cause and we have no hesitancy in affirming with the greatest possible emphasis that the cause of moral breakdown in this land is due primarily to the lack of a thorough Bible training in the home. There isn’t the

The Unfinished Work of Christ

I T is a delight to the Christian’s soul to linger lovingly over the truth of the finished work of Christ. To bring this constantly before one’s spiritual thinking is to revel in some of the choicest delights of the Christian life because the finished work of Christ is just as its name implies, a complete, perfect and God-satisfying plan now accomplished for the salvation of the individual sinner. However, there is also the unfinished work of Christ which delights our soul, for this includes the present work of Christ at the right hand of God the Father. There He becomes the personal omniscient Bestower of spiritual enable­ ments for His children. Each child of God faces, among other things, a three­ fold foe, the world, the flesh and the devil. In order to live successfully the Christian life there must be more than human wisdom and greater than natural ability. God knows this and Christ won­ derfully administers spiritual gifts for the successful living of the Christian life. Then too, Christ remembers our weak­ nesses and thus becomes our great Shep­ herd at the Father’s right hand. Just as He wrought in the case of the Apostle Peter when He prayed for him (Luke 22:31,32) before his great sin, so too He safeguards our weak points and keeps us from failure, remembering all the while that we live in a body of dust and that any real work of God which shall ever be accomplished in the Christian life must come through abiding in Him. Thirdly, the unfinished work of Christ includes the appearance of Christ as our Advocate or Attorney at the head­ quarters of the universe. It is well known that Satan today has access to the throne of God in heaven where he stands forth to accuse the brethren. More than that, many of the brethren are guilty of actual sin, and sin would be a damning thing there as it always is. But at the Father’s right hand stands

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former professional screen players who have given their lives and talents to Christian service tells the story of a west­ ern cowboy who wanted success above everything else. The film shows that he became a Christian during the Billy Graham campaign in Fort Worth, and surrendered his life to the Lord. Japanese Bible A wish expressed by General Douglas MacArthur in 1945 that Americans give 10,000,000 copies of the Scriptures to the Japanese people is now nearing ful­ filment, according to the Japan Bible Society. It is expected that the distribu­ tion of the 10,000,000th Bible will coin­ cide approximately with the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty. But this does not begin to fill the need for Japan’s present population exceeds 80,000,000. $1,000,000 Every Hour Americans now spend $1,000,000 an hour for beer, wine and liquor, accord­ ing to a recent report from the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The 1950 expenditure totaled $8,760,000,- 000 or nearly 3,000,000,000 gallons. The reason for this lamentable increase in drinking is due to advertising through press, radio and television. Evangelicals International The formation of a new world-wide association of evangelicals was approved at a convention held in Holland and at­ tended by representatives of national bodies in thirty countries. Sir Arthur Smith of London who presided said the existing national organizations would remain completely independent. It was disclosed that the constitution would in­ clude a statement affirming that the unanimous testimony of all believers in Christ is necessary for a solution of the world’s problems. Sunday School Pictures According to the Scripture Press of Chicago, a new series of Sunday school training films are to be produced. These films are designed to inspire and instruct Sunday school workers on how to win more pupils to Christ, reclaim absentees and gain new prospects through visita­ tion. Films now projected include “ God’s Acre of Diamonds” and “ Doorways to Decision.” Word of Life TV The television program produced by Jack Wyrtzen and heard in the New York City area for the last three years will be shown over the ABC-TV Net­ work and heard coast to coast every Saturday night at eleven o’clock Eastern Standard Time. The program features Carlton Booth, a male quartet and out­ standing messages from Christians in all walks of life.

when placed alongside God’s ability to control His own universe and bring to pass the fruition of His plans? What are we endeavoring to say? Just this, that it is both good common sense as well as the will of God for Christian people to do the work of God through prayer. Prayer is the force which moves the arm of God in our behalf. Prayer is the key to victory. Prayer is the defi­ nitely ordained means through which God has promised to pour out the wealth of His grace and favor. And yet the tragic truth of the entire matter is that prayer is woefully neglected. Rather, Christian people seem first to desire to. bring about accomplishments for God by dint of their own efforts. It is not that there is a lack of altruism or of unsel­ fish charity; rather, it seems to be just a failure to recognize God’s way of do­ ings things. What would really come to pass if for a week or ten days the entire earthly machinery of Christendom would sud­ denly cease? No letters would be writ­ ten, no phone calls made, no committee meetings held, no mimeographed news releases sent forth, but instead of this and other activities, there would be a genuine laying hold of God through prayer. What would happen if Christian people would lay aside all the Christian activities which normally engage their time, and falling down before God, con­ fess their sins, and then begin a work of prayerful intercession? What would really happen if God’s children were to turn aside from their own ways and endeavor to do the work of God in His way? Korean Thank You A box was recently delivered to the American Bible Society’s office in New York City containing a plaque fashioned in the shape of a shield, made of dis­ carded dried egg and fish cans, carefully flattened out and nailed together. The words, “ Thanksgiving American Bible Society POW Bible Institute” had been painted in white on a flat piece of brass fastened on the plaque. The same word­ ing in Korean appears on the opposite side of the shield. This had come spon­ taneously because of the interest of the North Korean prisoners in the Bible Correspondence Course which had re­ sulted in establishing a Bible Institute The W o rk and the W o rk ers By William W. Orr, D.D.

spent to assert the advertiser’s slogan. It is common knowledge that anything in the world .can be sold whether it be genuine, half genuine or wholly spurious, if enough money is paid to shout its praises. Much of the advertising indus­ try pays little or no attention to the truthfulness of slogans. The plan is merely to get the people to lay out their money and to reap a profit. Witness the enslavement of almost our entire nation to the drink habit! Consider the subtilty of cigarette advertising. Weigh carefully the advertised claims of the movie in­ dustry. Here are overwhelming examples of the value of advertising. But do not think that God is blind to this dishonesty. In, the fifth chapter of Isaiah, verse 20, appear these words: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.” Do not think for a minute that God will not call every dishonest statement into judgment some day. When time has come to an end, when the things of this life are merged into eternity’s unhurried day, God will make stern in­ quiry into the black siris *of this whole dishonest business. Even though it be true that our world is today under the rule of a deceitful usurper, still there is coming a day when righteousness and truth shall be the order, when God will call every sin into judgment. The basis of God’s righteous judgment will be that all the while there has been a great ideal of right dealing and honest living presented by the Holy Scriptures and that ignorance of these Scriptures will be no excuse. Let each and every child of God be ex­ ceedingly careful of the truthfulness of his own statements, not being given to wild or fanciful tales or exaggeration; that our conversation be sober and defi­ nite, our preaching saturated with Scrip­ ture variety, our lives lived in beautiful confirmation of God’s faithfulness and veracity. The Key To The Whole Matter It is believing prayer. Consider with me for a moment the truthfulness of this statement. Is anything too hard for God? The answer, of course, is a definite “ No.” God is overwhelmingly great. The universe is His and He controls every bit of it from the movements of the vast stellar galaxies to the growth of the tiny blades of grass on the hillside. In our lives there is nothing that He cannot do to help us and in the Christian work under our hands success can always be ours when God blesses our efforts. Does not then the entire matter of the successful Christian life and successful Christian enterprise resolve itself down to God’s approval? Is not the feverish effort of puny man a rather ridiculous thing when God could step in and by the force of His omnipotence bring to pass the matter to a wonderfully suc­ cessful conclusion? Is it not true that our strivings, even with the most unsel­ fish motives, are pitifully inadequate

in the camp. “Mr. Texas”

A new film produced by the Great Com­ mission Films of Hollywood and starring

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who believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that be­ lieved not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.” In this passage we learn that Judas, with the others who rejected Him, was an unbeliever. The Lord Jesus then added these words recorded in the same chapter: “Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.” By this we are plainly taught that Judas is'called a devil. You have given good and sufficient reason for believing that we shall know one another in Heaven. I would like to ask if we will miss our loved ones who are unsaved, and who will not be there. If a saved person leaves this earth as a babe or a little child, will that individual have the body of an adult in the resurrection? These questions are not answered in the Bible, yet we do know that sorrow and sighing will flee away . . . and God shall wipe away all tears. Where the Bible is silent, we must be silent also, but we like to think that God has need for little children in Heaven, and that we shall see them there in their glorified bodies, yet we would not substitute our personal wishes, guesses, or ideas for the Word of God. We may rest assured that if it will add to our bliss to recognize our dear ones in Heaven, most certainly our Heavenly Father will permit us to do so. What is the meaning of Philippians 2:12, “ Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” ? Note carefuly this verse does not say, Work for your own salvation but, Work out your own salvation. It is your own salvation that you are to work out. The text is best explained when con­ sidered in connection with the verse which follows: “ For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” The entire passage means that the Christian is to manifest, or show forth to the world, his salvation by a godly and careful walk. This he can not do in his own strength; he can do it only by the power of God. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 4:6). ( Continued on Page 21)

that day. Among other things, He ex­ horts them to faithful, patient continu­ ance in His Word, which will give rest to their souls, even in an hour such as that. It is a lesson many of God’s people need to learn in this dispensation of the grace of God. Why do you not accept the theory of the organic evolution of man? I do not accept the atheistic theory—that there is no God, and that man sprang from a so-called “First Cause.” But if I be­ lieve that God created man by this meth­ od, then what is wrong with that? In other words, I had a science instructor who calls himself a theistic evolutionist, meaning that he believes that God created all life by this method. Space will permit only the most brief discussion. I am familiar with the argu­ ments set forth by the so-called “theistic evolutionists.” But that term is mis­ leading. It deceives the unwary. I know that such scientists “falsely so called” admit that the Biblical story of the order of creation is scientific, and try to build a parallel theory, saying that, before there could be plant or animal life, there had to be light. Even so the Biblical record is scientific in the true sense of the term! The God of all wis­ dom is the God of all true science! I realize also that these theistic evolu­ tionists reason thus: That “ one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day.” These people fail to see that the evolution theory is a flat denial of the . fall of man; and thus they play into the hands of Satan, who would ever deceive man and try to lead him to believe that there is no sin, no need of a Saviour, no fall, no regenerating power in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. To grasp this truth is fundamental; and it settles the issue forever. If man evolved, then he was not made “ in the image and likeness of God” in the beginning ,- and the Bible does not mean what it says. If man was evolved from a lower form of animal life, then he did not fall through sin, and God’s great plan of redemption —all the Word of God —is to be set at naught. According to this theory, man is ever climbing upwards, and will some­ day be “ as gods”—Satan’s falsehood! Was Judas saved before he died? There is not the slightest suggestion in any portion of Scripture that Judas was ever saved. In fact, the very con­ trary is taught in John 6:64,65. Read with me, “ But there are some of you

Dr. Louis T. Talbot

The first three verses of Hebrews 7 seem to indicate that Melchizedek was an appearance of God in angelic form. Will you please give me your views on this subject? Some Bible teachers do hold the view that Melchizedek was an appearance of God in angelic form, but most students of the Word of God hold the other view, that he was merely a man, a type of Christ in His High Priestly Person. I am convinced that this latter interpre­ tation is correct, for the following rea­ sons: 1. He was king of Salem, the ancient site of the city of Jerusalem, which means “ the city of peace.” “ Salem” means “peace” ; therefore, as king of peace, Melchizedek was a type of Christ, the Prince of Peace and King of Peace. 2. He was also “ by interpretation king of righteousness,” a type of the Lord Jesus, who one day will rule* in righteousness. 3. As priest of the most high God, he was a type of Christ, our Priest. 4. Nothing is written of Melchizedek in all the Bible except the story record­ ed in Genesis 14:17-20; the statement that he is a type of Christ in Psalm 110:4; and the explanation of the type in Hebrews 6:20; 7:1-28. Very evidently the Holy Spirit omitted all reference to Melchizedek’s parents, in order that he might be a type of the^ eternal Son of God, who verily has “neither beginning of days, nor end of life.” In this con­ nection, please note the Revised Version for the word “ descent” of the Authorized Version of Hebrews 7:3. Accurately translated, it means, “without father, without mother, without genealogy” ; in other words, without recorded genealogy, in order that he might be a type of the eternal Son of God. In Luke 21:19, I read, “In your pa­ tience possess ye your souls.” Just what does this mean? The context shows here that our Lord is speaking of the tribulation that is to precede His return to the earth, and is giving instruction to the Jewish rem­ nant in regard to life and conduct in

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Children of God May Learn from

The Backsliding Heifer A T first •glance this may seem a strange subject, but in reality it is a most practical and heart­ searching theme. The text from which the words are taken is Hosea 4:16: “ For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heif­ er.” While of course it referred to Israel primarily, the spiritual principle involv­ ed is applicable to God’s people of every age. The figure is that of a heifer’s being led to the altar of sacrifice. At the smell of blood, she instinctively draws back from the place of death. Although tied fast to the horns of the altar, she at­ tempts to free herself. Israel, said the *Pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church of Pasadena, California; Biola ’17.

By Edward B. Hart, D. D.*

prophet Hosea, was like that. She too pulled away from the altar experience. The background of this verse is ex­ plained in the context. The prophet first described the sad condition in Israel in the words, “ There is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land,” and then gave the reason for it: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.” Israel did not lack opportunity to know God, but only the willingness to do His will. That is our plight in Ameri­ ca today. It is not want of knowledge, for the Bible is available everywhere in the land; we have turned back from the Word of God. We like an “ easy” religion—one that

is not hard on sin; that does not prick our consciences; that does not disturb our cherished manner of living. When we come face to face with the knowledge of our sin, as God sees it; when we are confronted with God’s call to consecrat­ ed living, we turn back from the Book which exposes us. To turn away from God’s Word means exactly the same for us as it did for Israel, “ Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone.” There comes a time in the life of nations, churches, and individuals when God lets them go their own way. That is what is meant by such expressions as, “ God gave them up” ; “My Spirit shall not al­ ways strive with man” ; “ No man can come unto me except the Father . . . draw him.” Christians in large numbers

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shrink from this, delay the reconciliation and with each day of delay the gap be­ tween us widens. We make the other fel­ low’s sin great that we may diminish our own. It is a species of “ self-saving by other-damning.” It is too hard to say: “ I was wrong; forgive me.” But it is ever true that only by the altar experi­ ence can God work His blessing in our souls. Naturally we want a soft religion. We like religious services or exercises which do not disturb our way of life. “ Religion is the opiate of the people,” declares the Marxist. While we repudiate Communism in its antagonism toward God, His Christ, and the Bible, we must agree that religion, without an altar ex­ perience, is just that: an opiate. Christ said, “ If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” There must be a cross experience in our lives. Some things must be brought to the place of death. The cross of Calvary accomplish­ ed an eternal sacrifice for our guilt of sin, but there must be a personal ex­ perience of that cross within our lives. “He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth Jive unto them­ selves, but unto him, which died for them, and rose again.” Paul testified, “ I die daily.” And again, “ I am crucified with Christ” ; “ God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” This dying to self-will, to the world’s approval, .is the altar experience from which we instinctively draw back. Yet it is the only way God can bring us out into the resurrection newness which lies beyond the altar experience. The great peril among fundamentalists who love the truth of the gospel is that we may hold that truth in unrighteous­ ness. “ The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18)". God’s truth in our minds—the world in our hearts! The gospel in our thinking —our own will and way in our heart- life! Knowing the gospel, but refusing to live in its power! Christ died FOR us that God might work death, this spiritual reality, IN us. This present generation will never be touched for God by Christians who live uncrucified lives. Nothing less than spiritual reality—a death to sin and self with life unto righteousness and God’s glory on the other side of the altar—will ever come to grips with the needs in the souls of men of our generation. The horror of war has not kept men from fighting. The slogan, “ Crime does not pay,” does not prevent the commis­ sion of crime. Warnings of fruitlessness of uncrucified living will not break us away from our love of self and the ways of the world. Only the love of God in Christ can woo us unto this fuller and deeper reality, “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by

the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2 : 20 ). There is ianother side of the picture as presented in the text. On the other side of the altar, beyond the death ex­ perience to self and sin, lies God’s resur­ rection power. Christ dealt with this when He stated, “ Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit” (John 12:24). Our trouble is that we desire spiritual lives of power without this cross experience to self, this dying to the world. Peter said to Christ concerning the coming cross, “ This shall not be unto thee.” So say we to ourselves, “ Let us have Christ and the Christian life without this cross ex­ perience.” But Christ’s own word stands: “ Get thee behind me, Satan . . . thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of man.” Man has no place for an altar experience as the means of spiritual reality and ful­ ness in his life. Whenever the world sees a life changed by the power of Christ, freed from self, triumphant over temptation and sin, radiant in the midst of every trial and testing, it turns aside to see this strange thing. Such Christian living is effective in producing spiritual hun­ ger and thirst in the hearts of non- Christians. But such living comes only at the price of identification with Christ in this cross experience. Not only His cross FOR us, but His work IN us! This is what Paul meant in Second Cor­ inthians 4:12: “ Death worketh in us, but life in you.” The world has no medi­ cine for sin, no cure for self. Why then should we as Christians draw back from the altar? Let us rejoice that the heifer did not sacrifice herself at that altar. The high priest did the slaying. We have but to put ourselves completely in the control of our High Priest, Christ Jesus, and He will work in us that good will of God. “ Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free.” When we come to the place that we love to see old things, things contrary to God, put to death within us; when we cry out unto God to carry on this work to completion in our lives, then we are in His hands for blessing in the lives of others. The uncrucified Chris­ tian life has no resurrection, life-giving power, in its testimony and no harvest of souls won for Christ. There is no gain, but by a loss; You cannot save but by a cross. The corn of wheat to multiply Must fall into the ground and die. Wherever you ripe fields behold Waving to God their sheaves of gold, Be sure some com of wheat has died, Some soul has there been crucified. Someone has wrestled, wept, and prayed, And fought hell’s legions undismayed.

are doing this today. Knowing God’s will in His Word, they are drawing, back from the costliness of consecration; they are backsliding from the altar experi­ ence. Must the Lord Jesus say of the church today as He did in the Laodicean message of Revelation 3:16: “ So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” ? When preachers in the pulpit and peo­ ple in the pews refuse to heed the whole counsel of God, they begin to pull away from the altar. This is brought out in the ninth verse of this fourth chapter of Hosea, “ And there shall be, like peo­ ple, like priest.” Later Christ described them as “ Blind leaders of the blind . . . both shall fall into the ditch.” Reject­ ing God’s Word, we turn to our own idols which we substitute for the Lord in our lives. Hosea saw this clearly and wrote: “My people ask counsel at their stocks . . . they have gone a whoring from under their God” (4:12). We have put material prosperity be­ fore spiritual wealth. Again Hosea speaks: “ For they shall eat, and not have enough: they shall commit whore­ dom, and shall not increase: because they have left off to take heed to the Lord” (4:10). Whatever is put before God in our lives is idolatry. But our idols will not satisfy us. Furthermore, such half­ hearted Christian living is rejected both of God and man. “ Let him alone.” Just what is this altar experience? Naturally, like the doomed heifer, we shrink from death. During more than twenty-five years in the gospel ministry, I have witnessed the deaths of many people. There is in the hour of death a clutching at life, an unwillingness to let go. Our bodies seem to resist the hand of death; we draw back from it. One of the dearest saints I ever knew exclaim­ ed in the hour of her death, “ Oh, isn’t death an awful thing?” Yet at the same time she wanted to go home to be with the Lord. This experience of death in its spiritual significance is the altar ex­ perience from which we draw back. Death to self, to sin, to the world, to popularity at the price of Christian tes­ timony—this is the altar from which we shrink. Instead of placing these un­ worthy things upon the altar, we lay our faith upon the altar of popularity and slay it there. This is Christ’s mes­ sage in John 5:44: “How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?” Upon the altar of pop­ ular approval and prestige with the non-Christian crowd, we sacrifice our Christian devotion, even our faith. There are many spiritual realities which we do not want at the price of ostracism by the world. Let us look at this in a very practical way. We draw back from acknowledg­ ment of our faults to each other. If we are out of fellowship with other Chris­ tians, we should go to them at once, con­ fessing our wrong-doing. Instead, we

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Chicago Roman Catholic priest. He says that a recent survey made among young Indianans show that they were most in­ terested in the physical appearance of their prospective mates. They wanted them to be handsome or pretty. In the survey the girls put the man’s ability to support a family 47th on the list of most desirable qualities. The boys put the girl’s ability to cook 17th. The ques­ tion proposed by the compiler was this: “What are you going to do in marriage —just look at one another?” New High A total membership of 87,548,021 in all religious bodies of this country is re­ ported in the 1951 yearbook of Amer­ ican churches. These figures show that church reports now embrace 58% of our nation’s population. The total enroll­ ment including officers and teachers in American Sunday schools is given at nearly 30,000,000, an increase of 800,000 over the previous year’s figure. On the financial picture the total contributed for 125 denominations was $1,138,737,506 for all purposes. BEHOLD HE COMETH! When the western sun is setting And the twilight shadows fall; When our hearts are tuned to heaven And we hearken for the call Of the voice of the archangel, Then we’ll know our Lord is nigh, And although earth’s shadows deepen, ’Twill be morning by and by. O, the joy of the assurance That our Lord is coming soonl For, behold there shines above us Through the dark, the harvest moon; And the reaping time is coming When the angels from on High Shall appear to reap the harvest In the morning by and by. When the golden grain is gathered In that great prophetic day; When the Master of the harvest Gives the laborers their pay; When the sheaves in all their beauty Are resplendent in the sky, We’ll forget earth’s tribulation Which is breaking o’er the hills! ’Tis the promise of His coming, And each soul with rapture thrills; For we soon shall hear the echo Of that glad triumphant cry, “Rise, behold the Bridegroom cometh” In the morning by and by! In the morning, in the morning, Soon we’ll see our Saviour’s face, And we’ll lay our sheaves before Him Who hath saved us by His grace, For across the fields of Glory Signs appear in earth and sky, And WE KNOW that Christ is coming In the morning by and by! — Henry B. Knox Page Nine In the morning by and by. O, the glory of the morning

Queen Elizabeth Praises A tribute to the influence of the Bible on the lives of the British nation was paid by Queen Elizabeth in the Festival j of Britain message. She stated that she ' and King George “ long to see the Bible back where it ought to be as a guide and comfort in the homes and lives of our people . . . From our own experience, we know what the Bible can mean for the personal life. That cherished inherit­ ance which we call the British way of life, has its source and inspiration in the great ideals of Christianity.” Drum Majorettes Recently High School Drum Majorettes were criticized by the National Catholic Women’s Union for their indecent con­ tortions and undress. In a resolution adopted it was asked: “ Why be modest at home, in school and in church, while outrageously immodest and most allur­ ing and enticing to the opposite sex in public?” The convention went on to de­ plore parental negligence in regard to modesty among young people. Rare Bible A copy of the famous Biblia Regia Polyglotta, printed in 1571 for King Philip II of Spain by Christopher Plantin of Antwerp, has been discovered in Bel­ gium. The book, a thick, leather-bound volume with gold filigree work along page borders, was edited by the famous philosopher-monk, Benedict Arias Mon- tanus. The present owner of the book is a business man, Emil Devis, who bought it along with hundreds of other volumes at a public auction in Antwerp, never suspecting what a treasure he had acquired. Successful Marriages The first place for successful mar­ riages is held by couples who are active church members, according to a report of the American Institute of Family Re­ lations. In the report, Joseph B. Henry stated that couples who have no church affiliations and are married by a Justice of the Peace are in the greatest danger of seeing their marriage go on the rocks. Furthermore, the study showed that a mixed marriage is two or three times as likely to end in divorce as when persons of the same faith are united. Queen of Heaven In a Catholic Church bulletin from Santa Monica, the following titles were given Mary, the mother of Christ, and published with ecclesiastic approbation: “ As soon as death touched her, she was lifted, body and soul, by the loving hands of God Himself to be crowned Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, Queen of All Saints. Although we do not have a special feast in honor of Mary’s Coronation, in heaven, Catho­ lics for centuries have regarded her as

By William W. Orr, D.D.

a powerful Queen, capable of interced­ ing at the throne of heaven in their be­ half. In fact, we should meditate on this each time we recite the fifth decade of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.” Radio Rather Than TV Leaders in Protestant broadcasting work recently announced that the churches in the next twelve months will continue to direct their larger effort to­ ward radio rather than television pro­ grams. According to Albert Crews, radio is still the most useful medium to serve the cause of Protestanism, for 95% of American homes have radio and only 26% have television. This does not mean, however, that the church will ignore television, for approximately 25% of the expenditures will go into television pro­ grams, both live and filmed. Secret Shepherds In the Fountain Square Christian Church of Indianapolis, a new idea is being promulgated to watch over the new members as they are received into the congregation. For every new mem­ ber an experienced lay guardian is ap­ pointed whose identity is never revealed. This “ secret shepherd” checks on his charge’s weekly church attendance and by anonymous mailings keeps him in­ formed of church events. 5% for Corporations In a recent report by the National Planning Association, America’s large corporations are urged to contribute a full 5% of their income to religious, charitable and educational purposes. The report points out that business corpora­ tions are allowed to deduct up to 5% of their annual income from the federal corporation income tax if it is contrib­ uted for charitable purposes. This is profitable because the actual cost to the corporation will only be 25c on the dollar since 75% of its highest bracket income will be taken by taxes anyway. Wrong Emphasis Physical appearance and good looks are playing too prominent a role in courtship and marriage, according to a

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IS R A E L L IV E S AGA IN ! Second in a Prophetic Series

By George T. B. Davis*

A FTER ten happy days in Haifa and the area of Tiberias and Lake Galilee, my wife and I set out for Jerusalem, “the city of the great King.” We left Haifa about seven o’clock in the morning. As the train came alongside the platform at Haifa, there was a rush for seats. But through the Lord’s good­ ness, and the kindness of the train starter, we secured good places. The train was crowded for it was only two days before the celebration of the sec­ ond year of Israel’s independence. Many of the passengers were going to Jerusa­ lem to see the parade and join in the festivities. In our car were several orthodox Jews with beards, black hats and long robes. The cars were plain but comfortable. We were very glad to find modern shut­ ters at the windows. They were very useful in shielding us from the sun. As we ate the breakfast our friends had provided, we were of interest as Ameri­ can visitors to several sun-tanned young Jews who sat opposite us.* One of our eggs broke and got on our fingers. One of the young lads quickly went and got water to wash our hands. The broken egg had “broken the ice,” and soon we were smiling at one another. It is a four-hour journey from Haifa to Jerusalem. For some miles the train runs along the shore of the Mediter­ ranean and then through the plain of Sharon. We stopped along the way at various flourishing colonies and villages, and more and more people crowded into the train until many were standing. At one station a well-dressed, fine- looking young Jew, about thirty years of age, boarded the train. As he could not find a seat, he stood in the aisle quite near to us. He had in his hand a bag containing several luscious-looking oranges. Presently he took one of them out of the bag and began to peel it with his fingers. Mrs. Davis offered him a fruit-knife that we had with us. The young man thanked us heartily and then kindly presented us with one of the oranges. It was a hot morning, and the orange proved most refreshing. Presently the young man began to tell us about the various places through which we were passing and about the conditions in Israel. Then he took his wallet out of his pocket, and showed us pictures of his parents and brothers and *Executive Secretary of the M il ­ lion T estaments C ampaigns . Reprinted from the book, I srael R eturns H ome A ccording to P rophecy , obtainable at 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Page Ten

sisters. We discovered that he was a grower and exporter of oranges. We had a most interesting conversation for nearly two hours. We learned that he had lived in Jerusalem for twenty-five years and that he spoke Hebrew, Arabic, English and German. As the train was nearing Lydda, Mrs. Davis asked the young man to tell us something of what had happened at

commanded by German officers, and were expecting an attack. I crept up to a bush only 30 meters (about 90 feet) from the place where the German offi­ cers were giving the Arab troops the plan of defending the airport. I could hear distinctly and understand every word they said. “ After hearing their plan of defense I hurried back and phoned the com­ mander of the Jewish troops. We had already received our orders, but after hearing my report the commander at once changed the plan of attack and gave us fresh orders. We rushed for­ ward with our small tanks and machine guns and by seven o’clock that morning the airport was in our hands. “ Then we advanced on the town of Lydda. There was a severe fight for two hours more, but by nine o’clock the town was also captured. It was with the Lord’s help that we won the battle.” As the young man told us the story, the train was climbing steadily, up, up, up through the hills to the city of Jerusalem which is 2,400 feet above sea level. The Psalmist called it “ beau­ tiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth” (Psalm 48:2). After he finished, we began to witness to him. I pulled from my pocket a copy of our Prophecy Edition of the Hebrew New Testament, and said “ I will be glad to give this Book if you will read it.” To our sur­ prise, he answered: “ I already have a copy exactly like that one.” When I asked whether he had read it, he smiled and replied: “What would be the use of having the Book if I did not read it?” We began to tell him how we all have sinned and that it is only sacrificial blood that will atone for our sins as de­ clared so plainly in the third book of Moses: “ It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” (Lev. 17:11). We told him how the shedding of the blood of lambs and goats and bulls, under the Old Covenant, all pointed to the Lamb of God who came to this earth to shed His blood on the cross to wash away the sins of all who believe in Him. We declared that Jesus not only died for us on the cross, but rose again, and is now in heaven interceding for us. We declared that God’s Word teaches that He is coming again, this time not as a suffering Messiah as long ago, but a reigning Messiah—to rule and reign in Jerusalem over Jews and Gentiles alike throughout the whole word. The ex-captain listened intently to all that we said. Mrs. Davis especially sought to make the way of salvation clear and plain. As the train entered the T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

New Jerusalem Post Office Lydda during the recent Arab-Jewish war. We were especially interested be­ cause Lydda has the finest airport in the Middle East. Planes of various countries, including the United States, Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Switz­ erland, Scandinavia, South Africa and the Philippine Islands, bring passengers to Israel from all parts of the world. Israel also has her own planes which fly between Lydda and various lands. The airport is quite near the ancient town of Lydda where Peter, in the days of the early church, healed Aeneas (Acts 9:32-35). The young man gladly consented to tell us the story of the capture of the Lydda airport and the town by the Jews. And it was a remarkable providence that he of all others should have told us the narrative, for he himself had taken a prominent part in the battle. He said, “ I was captain of one of the Jewish companies that captured the Lydda airport, and the Arab town of Lydda. The attack on the airport began at five o’clock in the morning. It was still dark. Softly I went very near to the Arab troops to reconnoiter. The Arabs on our side of the airport were

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