King's Business - 1951-10

LANTERN SLIDES Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshots or printed pictures turned into beautiful color glass slides (2,,x2" or 3% "x4w) at 75 cents each. (Discount on quan­ tity). Over 15 progressive years at this address.

The Days of Miracles Are Not Over! For many years Mr. Frank Havens, of Morehead, Kentucky, has prayed for and given to the work of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. It was natural then that we should be deeply interested in the following account of a remarkable operation he recently underwent, which we publish verbatim from the local newspaper, Rowan County News. Mr. Havens has testified in regard to his amazing experience: “ Before going to the operating room I told God I be­ longed to Him, and I wanted Him to take care of me. He did a better job than I asked!” expect trouble. Everything was going according to plan when the anesthetist reported that the patient had stopped breathing and that he could find no heartbeat. Another doctor explained the situa­ tion which confronted the surgeon: Doctors know now that there is a “ period of grace” of about three and a half minutes available to the surgeon under such conditions to restore blood circulation. Different body cells 1differ in their sensitivity to lack of oxygen, which is carried by the blood; the cells which are most sensitive and undergo irreversible damage soonest are the cells of the brain. If circulation is al­ lowed to remain at a standstill more than three and a half minutes, not all of the individual’s normal functions will be restored.

C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CLeveland 66129

6176 Myosotis Street

Los Angeles 42, Calif.

LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO 11 CALIFORNIA 5,000 S i WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, hand­ some Scripture mottoes, Scripture Calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price-list. George W. Noble , The Christian Co • Dept. 7C, Pontiac Bldg., Chicago 5, 111. Accordions, Clarinets, Saxophones, Vibra Harps, Guitars Special price to Christians HAWTHORNE MUSIC CENTER R. D. No. 1 Barberton, Ohio uAS E“Earn-Your-Way-Plan” A wonderful plan to work your way without loss of time. . . while learn­ ing to serve Christ better. Free literature tells how you can study for B. A. degree in Applied Religion by this plan and describes the advantages of Rockmont, "on the Rock in the Rockies.” W. Randall Skillen, Jr., D. D., President ROCKMONTCOLLEGE

The surgeon who was operating on Havens realized that. He waited one minute to be absolutely sure there was no heartbeat, no respiration. Then he moved up from the abdomen, where he had been working, to the chest. He made an incision between two ribs over the heart. Then he put part of his hand into the sac which surrounds the heart and applied direct massage. The physician-anesthetist did his part by injecting drugs designed to stimulate the heart. Although the heart lay quiet when the chest was opened and Havens gave every sign of being dead, the heartbeat was restored in a few seconds after massage was begun. Havens is back home now. He couldn’t get downstairs to talk on the telephone, but he stood at the head of the stairs today and answered questions asked through his wife. Mrs. Havens said her husband was “ doing wonderful.” A doctor explained today: “ This is something which perhaps hasn’t been reported enough times to get over the drama. You hope you’ll never see it, but every well-trained surgeon runs into it once or twice a year. “We know more now, and we have more facilities available all the time. People who used to die on the oper­ ating table just don’t any more. The kinks are still being worked out.” The doctor said a Cleveland physician had done most of the research on use of heart massage. The procedure has been in use for several years, he added. Sometimes a strong electric shock must be applied to the heart to quiet irregular movements before the heart can be re-started in normal rhythm, he said.

Mr. Frank Havens

(The following story is reprinted from The Lexington Leader. Since its publication Mr. Havens has been able to be about the house and has shown remarkable improvement. He expects to shortly assume his duties as manager of the Big Store.) A Morehead merchant is “ giving God glory” today for the work of a Lexington surgeon who brought him back to life after he “ died” on the op­ erating table. Frank Havens, 59, operator of the Big Store at Morehead, says he “ thanks God for such a surgeon” and hopes The Leader will publish the doctor’s picture on Page One. The physician, however, declined use of his name. Havens was operated on at the Good Samaritan Hospital June 26 for gall bladder disease. He had no reason to


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