King's Business - 1951-10

ISRAEL LIVES AGAIN ! (Continued from Page 11)

SAFE LIFELONG INCOME You provide a safe income for yourself and help spread the Gospel There is only one organization in this country (serving more than 134 years) devoted solely to translating the Scriptures into all tongues and distributing them throughout the world "without note or comment.” You can help others—and help yourself—by pur­ chasing an Annuity Agreement, which provides you with a safe, generous, lifelong income. Send for free booklet today to THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Dept. KB 110, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.

“ The first siege of Jerusalem lasted day and night for four weeks. The mortar shells of the Arabs were the most terrifying feature of the siege. During each twenty-four hours there were five or six mortar gun attacks. Sometimes the mortar shells exploded in the air and sometimes against build­ ings. The noise of the explosions was terrific and indescribable. From the noise the shells made it seemed as though most of the houses near us would surely be demolished. “ The first ‘cease-fire’ order came just in time to save the Jews from falling into the hands of the Arabs—both be­ cause of shortage of ammunition, and shortage of food and water. That cease­ fire order was nothing less than a mir­ acle of God’s deliverance of the Jewish people of Jerusalem.” Mrs. Davis and I recalled that many Christians in Ameri­ ca and other countries had been pray­ ing earnestly for the deliverance of the Jews at that time in their terrible siege. Mrs. Gibson also told us a story of a most remarkable event that occurred in the Negev, in the fighting between the Jews and the Egyptians. She said that one of the members of the mission household was calling on a Jewish neigh­ bor toward the close of the conflict. The Jewish, neighbor told him this story: “ Our son came home recently to spend the week end with us. He sat down to eat, and to our great surprise, he bowed his head to pray. “When he had finished praying we said to him: ‘Son, what does this mean? You never did that before!’ “ My son replied: ‘No, father, I have never believed in God before. But now after what I have experienced in the war I can never again doubt the exist­ ence of God. In the midst of the fight­ ing in the Negev three divisions of Egyptian troops came to attack a point that was held by only about twenty of us; We knew that it was an absolutely impossible situation, but we decided to fight to the last man. “ ‘We had hardly begun to fire at the enemy when two divisions of them turn­ ed and fled, and the third division held up their hands and surrendered. After the Egyptian troops had surrendered they were greatly surprised to find that there were so few of us. “ ‘The Egyptians said to us: “Where are the others?” “ ‘We replied: “ What others do you mean?” “ ‘The Egyptians said: “ We saw others with you. Where are they?” “ ‘We answered: “ There were no others with us.” ’ “ My son ended his story by saying: ‘Then we knew that God had worked a miracle for us.' ”

JEW ISH CHRISTIAN ORPHANS Hundreds of Jewish Christian children lost their parents in concentration camps or in gas chambers. The Jews look after their own orphans, the Roman Catholics do likewise, but who is going to look after the children whose parents belonged to the various Protestant Commun­ ions and who are of Jewish origin? Shall we abandon them to the Roman Church? One dollar can sustain the life of an orphan for one day. If God leads you to help needy Hebrew Christians kindly mail your gift to Interdenominational Jewish Missionary Society of North America, Inc. North Side Branch, P. O. Box 34, ATLANTA 5, GA. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: W . F. Talley, Esq., President; H. M. Hope, Esq., Vice-President; J. J. Timlin, Esq., Treasurer; Rev. Paul L. Berman, Secretary; Rev. Oscar R. Lowry, D .D .; Rev. A . J. Lindsay, D .D .; Rev. J. H. McComb, D.D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Rev. L. Sperry Chafer, Litt. D .; Rev. G. Allan Fleece, D.D., Rev. Robert L. Evans, D.D. ; Rev. E. Harrison, D.D., Ph.D., Norman B. Harrison, D.D., Rudolph C. Logefeil, M. D., Rev. J. Vernon McGee, D.D., Rev. William McLeister II, Daniel Rose, Esq., Rev. R. Soltau, D.D. The Author

CHARLES L. FEINBERG, Th.D., Ph.D., Head of Department of Old Testament, Los Angeles Bible Theological Seminary, Los An­ geles, California.

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The Course “ HOSEA”


Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17.

Page Twenty-six

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