King's Business - 1951-10

tains, to the other a desert. Surely God had made a mistake! Surely there was no hope for them now! But God had not made a mistake—God never makes a mistake. Just as there seemed no hope, God made a dry path through the midst of the Red Sea and led every one of His people safely to the other shore! Eagerly the Egyptians followed, feeling sure of their victory over the Jews. When the Egyptian chariots were all in the midst of the sea, God caused the great walls of water on either side to fall upon them and kill them all. How God’s people rejoiced when they saw the power of their God! They knew that when He called them to go in obedience to His command He would take care of every problem along the way. God sometimes definitely leads His children today to do or to say things that seem to lead them into difficulty. Those who are listening for His voice and who are not afraid to obey His will know that He never disappoints them. He never calls upon them to do some­ thing unless He provides the strength and the wisdom which they need to do that thing. Obey God’s voice and you will find that He will never fail to pro­ vide for your every need. A Rash Promise Relating to the Law 19:7,8a It was a careless and presumptuous declaration which Israel made when they said “All that the Lord hath spoken we will do” (8). It demonstrated a lack of knowledge of their own weakness. It was full of self-confidence. It showed no real appreciation for that grace which had liberated them from bondage in Egypt and brought them on their way to the Land of Promise. By their declaration they were in effect putting themselves back under law. They were like some folks today who profess to be saved by grace but who insist that we must live by the law. Such an attitude is a great mistake and it brings into great con­ fusion the elements of law and grace. Specific Judgments of the Law 23:1-13 Among other things the law shows a man what he ought to be in his deal­ ings with his fellowmen. It further shows what should be his attitude to­ ward God. As Paul says (Rom. 7:12), “the law is holy. . . . just and good.” As such in a definite sense it is a reflection of the holiness, justice and goodness of God. This being so, we find in the words before us what ought to be our attitude toward others in the matter of lying and dishonesty (vv. 1-9). Since God is a lover of truth and honesty by His very nature so those who claim any likeness to Him should abhor anything

Helps for the Children Memory Verse: ‘’Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast redeemed; thou hast guided them in thy strength” (Ex. 15:13). God had wonderfully protected and guided His people, the Jews. After their many years of slavery He had delivered them by the hand of Moses. At last they were on the way to the wonderful land which God had promised to give to them and to their children! How their hearts rejoiced. Perhaps they thought that the journey would be free from difficulties since God had told them the way to take. Soon they were to learn that constantly they must depend upon God to protect them and to supply their every need. God had slain the first-born child in every Egyptian family. In the hour of sorrow the king had gladly let the Jews leave his land. When he dis­ covered that they were really gone, he became alarmed and sent his soldiers with their chariots to pursue the Jews and to bring them back to slavery. The Jews had camped at the shore of the Red Sea at God’s command. In the midst of their rejoicing over their deliverance, they looked up and saw Pharaoh’s char­ iots bearing down upon them. In front was the sea, to one side were high moun- With this lesson we have the begin­ ning of a new dispensation in Israel, the dispensation of the law. According to Scofield and many other Biblical schol­ ars, there are altogether seven dispen­ sations in God’s dealings with men. Be­ sides the dispensation of the law they are that of Innocence (Gen. 1:28); of Conscience (Gen. 3:23); of Human Government (Gen. 8:20); of Promise (Gen. 12:1); of Grace (John 1:17); and of the Kingdom. Today’s lesson appears in what is often considered the legislative section of the book of Exodus, namely, chapters 19-24. Note that it was after chapter 12/ after redemption, after deliverance at the Red Sea, after the manna and the water from the rock, that we have the giving of the law. This clearly sug­ gests that the law has nothing to do with man’s redemption. Man was not saved in Old Testament times any more than in New Testament times by keep­ ing the law for “by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified” (Rom. 3:20). The law was given to reveal the sinfulness of sin (Rom. 5:20). It was like a mirror into which man could look to see his need of cleansing. No look­ ing glass ever cleanses a man from defilement. But its revelation is liable to send man to the wash basin. So with the law. It’s revelation of man’s sinfulness sends men to Christ who alone can cleanse them from every spot of defile­ ment (Gal. 3:24, 25).

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November 18, 1951 LAWS FOR THE NEW NATION Ex. 19:7,8a; 23:1-13 Pointers on the Lesson

NEW SETS ADDED BIBLE VERSES Superimposed on Pictures 100 color slides From Wm. Hole pictures

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