King's Business - 1951-10

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 CENTS PER WORD—MINIMUM $1.00 REVIVAL SIGNS, BIBLE CONFERENCE, HI- way directional, service hour schedule, and any sign made to order—write for descriptive liter­ ature today. Active Church Publicity, P. O. Box 829, Hammond, Ind. PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH SCRIPTURE Tracts. 100 assorted. 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. NEW CATALOG USED RELIGIOUS BOOKS ready. Free on request. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. BIBLES REBOUND, REPAIRED, 28 YEARS experience. Internationally known. Write for prices. The original BIBLE HOSPITAL, 1001 So. Harvard St., Dallas 1, Texas. STENOGRAPHERS — THOUSANDS NEEDED now. Learn Triplespeed NUABC Shorthand. Join Selfstudy Club. Earn Course. Capital City College, (40th Year) Washington 5, D. C. WANTED : FIVE HUNDRED NEW MEMBERS for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details .Free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. LENDING LIBRARY — BOOKS BY MAIL. Write for information and sample copy of Chris­ tian Reader’s Review. Christian Reader’s Library, Veedersburg, Indiana. NEW COMPANY PRESENTING SACRED AND Classical Music. Catalogue sent on Request. D’Angelo Music Publishing Co., P. O. Box 7054, Station “G,” Los Angeles 37, California. SCOFIELD BIBLES — COMPLETE LINE, IN- cluding new loose-leaf edition. Write for litera­ ture. Fowlers’ Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Hamburg, New York. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “Judge or Sav­ iour,” “Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s History.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. THOUSANDS OF OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel’s Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. NICHOLSON— ONENESS WITH CHRIST, POP- ular studies on Colossians. Edited by Dr. James M. Gray. Just reprinted $3.00. Kregel Publication, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. ORGANIZERS WANTED FOR A NATIONAL debating club. Good pay; patriotic service. Thurs­ day Evening Club, 324 Newbury St., Boston 15, Mass. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSON AND VISUAL Aids. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. PREACHER COURSES—HOMILETICS, PASTOR- ing, Personal Work, Evangelism, and Sunday School Work. 100 Lessons in a binder for $3.00. Edwin Newby, 720 East Walnut, Indianapolis, Ind. OLD BIBLES REBOUND LIKE NEW. A PRICE, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Miss. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50; Chronograph $10.00; Prices include cleaning and adjustment. One year guar­ antee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jew­ elry Shop, 2312 W . Chicago Ave., Chicago 22, 111. SHOE REPAIRING — FIRST CLASS WORK, reasonable prices. Erick Peterson, 5062 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. Tel. WEbster 0404. CHRIST-HONORING GREETING CARDS SELL on sight. Make easy money for yourself or group. Write for DeLuxe APPROVAL SAMPLES of Scripture Text Christmas or Everyday cards. Shepherds Town Card Co., 219 Shepherd Road, Shepherdstown, Penna. CROSS CROCHETED BOOKMARKS, 30 CENTS, 4 for $1.00 cash. All colors. Mrs. Stymus, P. O. Box 654, San Bruno, Calif. Page Thirty-four

be our reply to God this day. May noth­ ing hold us back from accepting Christ as our Saviour, nor from living a con­ sistent Christian life for Him. November 25, 1951 I t ’ s G ood T o G ive Objects: A sponge, a short piece of garden hose, a pitcher of water.

November 18, 1951 L et G o a n d L et G od

Objects: A large cardboard cross col­ ored red, a large white cardboard heart covered with black paper which can be removed, a spring such as is found in a window shade, an imitation cigarette, an imitation playing card, an imitation theater ticket, and a small flask-shaped bottle of vinegar. (Fasten one end of the spring to' the center of the cross and the other end to the top of the heart. Use four pieces of string, and tie the cigarette, card, ticket, and bottle neat the bottom of the heart. Run each string down to nails in a board. Fasten this board to a table, and stretch the spring out until the cross can be fastened to the pulpit or to some other high object. Do this before the audience appears, and cover with a cloth.) Lesson: Boys and girls, look at this strange heart! What is the matter with it? “It is being held down by several things.” This black heart has an up pull and a down pull. Did you know that there is an up pull and a down pull for each one of us? Christ said: “ I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). Jesus Christ was lifted up on Calvary’s cross. He is drawing people to Him today, but the things of the world often keep them from re­ sponding to His drawing power. We have been studying about tem­ perance today, and here is a bottle re­ minding us of whisky. We do not want this heart to be kept from Christ by anything—not this whisky, nor this play­ ing card, not a cigarette, nor a show ticket, nor any other form of evil. When the heart is willing to let Christ really cut it free from every sin that holds it away from Him, the heart, responding to the drawing power of Christ, is drawn very close to Him. The black sin leaves the heart and it is pure and clean. God warned the children of Israel about playing with sin. Their reply was, “ All that the Lord hath spoken we will do” (Ex. 19:8). May that GOSPEL OBJECT TRICK TALKS. READY made, Paper tearing, Magic chemics. 200 Titles. Free samples. Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana. TUNED COWBELLS, SLEIGHBELLS, CHORDED Cluster Bells, Choral Concert Glasses. 440 pitch, any range. Pictures available. Evangelist West­ phal, Michigan City, Indiana. BIBLES REPAIRED AND REBOUND, FLEX- ible Leather Covers a Specialty. Also New Ana­ lytical, Scofield Oxford Bibles. Grace Whidden, 558 Rose Ave., Long Beach, Calif.

Lesson: Many Christians are like this sponge. They get all they can, but never give unless forced to. No matter how hard you squeeze a sponge, it will never give as much as it has received. See how the greedy sponge takes all the water it can. (If the sponge has been previously dampened, it will receive water readily.) There are other people who, like this garden hose, pass on to others the bless­ ings they receive from God. You will notice that the hose gives the water it gets. A gardener never uses a sponge to water a garden or lawn. He uses a hose because it gives freely. God uses the person who is willing to give of the blessings he. has received. The river Jordan, during its journey through the land of Palestine, empties into two seas. One is the Sea of Galilee and the other is the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is living because it gives that which it receives, and the Dead Sea is dead because it has no outlet and never gives. Christ used the Sea of Galilee as a place to perform many of His great miracles. It is mentioned forty-six times in the Bible, while the Dead Sea is men­ tioned only twelve times. Near Jerusalem’s Jaffa gate there is a flat place on the top of a hill known as “ The Terrace of Indecision.” As the rain falls on this flat piece of ground, it seems to hesitate, not knowing which way to flow. That which goes west flows into the Valley of Roses and gives life and beauty. That which goes east flows into the Dead Sea and dies. Knowing that “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” we should find it easy to de­ cide to live lives of giving. In our lesson today, we find that the children of Israel gave so liberally of their possessions, to make the Tabernacle, that Moses finally had to restrain them from giving, there was such an abundance. Repeatedly it mentions that they gave willingly, out of full hearts. God is not pleased with a Christian who gives grudgingly, or with one who like the sponge, keeps all that he .can for himself, until he is forced to give. He wants us to be like the hose which gives freely and cheer­ fully. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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