King's Business - 1951-10

THE BOOK OF REVELATION “ Few of the commentaries that have been written on this profound and mysterious book are as sound and as simple as this one."—Moody Monthly. “ Recently it was my privilege to teach the book of Revelation, verse by verse, on the radio. In preparation for this series of studies, reference was made to a great many commentaries, ancient and modem. I found none more helpful for the purpose desired in this connection, than Mr. Humbred’s commentary of which this present edition is the third."—Wendell P. Loveless. Foreword by Keith Brooks. 280 Pages— Paper $1.00, Cloth $1.75 “ The Holy Spirit," "Salvation, Security and Assurance," “ The Virgin Birth," “ The Christian Home," “ Inspiration of the Bible," “ Lessons From Jacob," “ The Resurrection Body," “ The Lake of Fire," “ The Last Judgment," “ Crowns for Christians," “ The Dispensations," “ The New Birth," “ Scattering The Seed," “ The New Jerusalem," “ Spiritual Blessings in Christ," "Bible and Science," “ Plowing Corn to Preaching Christ.” All 18 for $4.00 HUMBERD PRESS BOX K FLORA, IND.


Begin Christian teaching in the child's important pre­ school years with this color­ ful new Bible course. The child will love and remem­ ber the new, full-color Bible pictures, the take-home pictures, and the pictures to color. The teacher will appreciate the complete teaching helps.- Available

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An all-Bible course that holds the interest of active youth and gives them prac­ tical experience in using the Bible as a daily guide­ book. Complete teacher's manuals, and colorful, at­ tractive workbook-style pu­ pil's leaflets. Your teen- for" this challenging study, ailable October, 1951. Send for FREE digest. There's a real treat in store for teen-agers in the new weekly paper "STRAIGH T." It has Bible teaching— it has exciting stories— it has picture stories— it has con­ tests. Fellows and girls say " it has everything!" Mod­ ern size, 16 colorful pages. Available October, 1951. Write for FREE sample. • Write for Free Samples, Information THE STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY Cincinnati 10, Ohio


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