King's Business - 1951-10

ine missionary ana Lvangeiisue TrainingCenter ofthe west

West Coast readers should tune in to the 'Bible Institute Hour" Mutual Network Mon-Wed-Fri 8 :30 A.M.

TheBible Institute ofLosAngeles oilers y 3 Year Bible Institute Course leading to a diploma in Bible, Music, or Christian Education. |/ 4 Year Bible College Course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Bible, Music, Christian Education, Elementary Teach­ ers' Credentials, Social Science, Philos­ ophy or English and Speech. {/ 1 year post graduate course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Theology. |/ 1 y ea r post g radu a te s ch o o l o f f er ing courses in Missionary Medicine for grad­ uates of Bible Institutes, Bible Colleges or accepted candidates for Missionary service.

NO TUITION CHARGED As always, the Bible Institute accepts and trains students from any evangelical denomi­ nation without charge for tuition. The expenses of Biola are met by the free­ will gifts of the people of God everywhere. To stand behind the training cost of one student for one year a gift of $200.00 would be required. Information gladly sent upon request.

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles« 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California Please send: □ Catalog for prospective students

□ Information on sponsorship of students Ö Advertising material for your church

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