King's Business - 1951-10

slightest doubt in our minds but that we are reaping the evil harvest today of the Scripture-less homes of yesterday. God, who in the beginning made man, is well aware of the laws and principles by which man’s life should be regulated. He knows that the right kind of char­ acter needs the central pole of an abso­ lute, which He has provided in the knowledge of Himself, His own moral attributes and the certainty of punish­ ment when mankind forsakes these prin­ ciples. Without such an anchor mankind is swept along in the whirlpool of hu­ man vagaries and foundationless specu­ lation. The only result which can ever be expected is a life lived on the premise of selfishness. Nor will our country’s tragic condition ever be eliminated until we get back to the old-fashioned premise of godly fear and reverence for His Book. Would to God there was an honest person in high office who would stand to his feet and, with the foresight of the prophets of old, thunder across our broad acres this cardinal truth. Would to God that the pulpits of our land were given over to the fearless proclamation of God’s truth; that from every house of God the message of repentance and con­ trition would echo and re-echo. Would to God that our national leaders were so convicted of their own sinful hearts that they would give our land the example of what happens when a man seeks the par­ don of a gracious God. Yet, if the prophetic Scriptures be true, this will never happen. Conditions will grow worse and worse until they cannot be cured. Then God Himself will call a halt to this whole refarious busi­ ness and will send His Son to rule and reign righteously. Thank God that day may not be very far off. But until it dawns let each child of God labor might­ ily to spread abroad the gospel story and live righteously in order that the truth of God be not blasphemed on his account. It Pays To Advertise Whoever coined that phrase many years ago certainly knew what he was talking about. We could no more have a successful business today without a large advertising department than we could have day without the rising of the sun. Today advertising is big business and astounding amounts of money are poured into advertising coffers. People are literally forced to buy this or that because of the titanic pressure exerted by clever advertising agents. No one is free from this influence. Everyone is affected in a thousand and one different ways. Nor would all of this be too bad if there were always truth in advertising, but the sad facts of the case show that in case after case advertisers,* in order to sell their products and gain their ends, will loudly scream the things which are either half truths or complete un­ truths. Nor does it seem to make much difference whether the claims be bona fide or not as long as enough money is

our Saviour, performing His unfinished work as He, while admitting our sins and transgressions, also reminds all who want to hear, that His blood wonder­ fully atones for every sin. The unfinished work of Christ is the most soul-satisfying assurance of our stability in the Christian life of all God’s sure intent of keeping those whom He has saved at such infinite cost. There Is No Mystery About It Our country is terribly upset and well it may be. Various public officials have expressed their grave concern and edi­ tors have been writing column after col­ umn over the question of the growing moral'decay of our land. Graft and cor­ ruption seem to be increasing while far too many of our citizens openly and knowingly condone dishonest practices. Over the past several years the nation has been shaken to its moral foundations by “ Five Percenters,” “ Basketball fixes,” mink coats, deep freeze boxes and finally the West Point cadet scandal. The re­ cent investigation by a congressionally- appointed committee revealed a shocking indifference on the part of even respec­ table citizens with regard to this alarm­ ing situation. Editor after editor has searched the horizon for the culprit on which to place the blame. Our secondary schools and colleges have come in for a thorough going-over. The ease of life and abun­ dance of money have been blamed for this alarming and unhealthy tendency. Con­ gress has been roundly censured and the president has drawn his share of blame for their part in the chain of circum­ stances which would lead a nation to forget things that are right and wink at things which are wrong. But in al­ most every case the blame is being placed on the symptoms rather than on the cause of the disease. These things are effects rather than the cause and we have no hesitancy in affirming with the greatest possible emphasis that the cause of moral breakdown in this land is due primarily to the lack of a thorough Bible training in the home. There isn’t the

The Unfinished Work of Christ

I T is a delight to the Christian’s soul to linger lovingly over the truth of the finished work of Christ. To bring this constantly before one’s spiritual thinking is to revel in some of the choicest delights of the Christian life because the finished work of Christ is just as its name implies, a complete, perfect and God-satisfying plan now accomplished for the salvation of the individual sinner. However, there is also the unfinished work of Christ which delights our soul, for this includes the present work of Christ at the right hand of God the Father. There He becomes the personal omniscient Bestower of spiritual enable­ ments for His children. Each child of God faces, among other things, a three­ fold foe, the world, the flesh and the devil. In order to live successfully the Christian life there must be more than human wisdom and greater than natural ability. God knows this and Christ won­ derfully administers spiritual gifts for the successful living of the Christian life. Then too, Christ remembers our weak­ nesses and thus becomes our great Shep­ herd at the Father’s right hand. Just as He wrought in the case of the Apostle Peter when He prayed for him (Luke 22:31,32) before his great sin, so too He safeguards our weak points and keeps us from failure, remembering all the while that we live in a body of dust and that any real work of God which shall ever be accomplished in the Christian life must come through abiding in Him. Thirdly, the unfinished work of Christ includes the appearance of Christ as our Advocate or Attorney at the head­ quarters of the universe. It is well known that Satan today has access to the throne of God in heaven where he stands forth to accuse the brethren. More than that, many of the brethren are guilty of actual sin, and sin would be a damning thing there as it always is. But at the Father’s right hand stands

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