King's Business - 1951-10

former professional screen players who have given their lives and talents to Christian service tells the story of a west­ ern cowboy who wanted success above everything else. The film shows that he became a Christian during the Billy Graham campaign in Fort Worth, and surrendered his life to the Lord. Japanese Bible A wish expressed by General Douglas MacArthur in 1945 that Americans give 10,000,000 copies of the Scriptures to the Japanese people is now nearing ful­ filment, according to the Japan Bible Society. It is expected that the distribu­ tion of the 10,000,000th Bible will coin­ cide approximately with the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty. But this does not begin to fill the need for Japan’s present population exceeds 80,000,000. $1,000,000 Every Hour Americans now spend $1,000,000 an hour for beer, wine and liquor, accord­ ing to a recent report from the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The 1950 expenditure totaled $8,760,000,- 000 or nearly 3,000,000,000 gallons. The reason for this lamentable increase in drinking is due to advertising through press, radio and television. Evangelicals International The formation of a new world-wide association of evangelicals was approved at a convention held in Holland and at­ tended by representatives of national bodies in thirty countries. Sir Arthur Smith of London who presided said the existing national organizations would remain completely independent. It was disclosed that the constitution would in­ clude a statement affirming that the unanimous testimony of all believers in Christ is necessary for a solution of the world’s problems. Sunday School Pictures According to the Scripture Press of Chicago, a new series of Sunday school training films are to be produced. These films are designed to inspire and instruct Sunday school workers on how to win more pupils to Christ, reclaim absentees and gain new prospects through visita­ tion. Films now projected include “ God’s Acre of Diamonds” and “ Doorways to Decision.” Word of Life TV The television program produced by Jack Wyrtzen and heard in the New York City area for the last three years will be shown over the ABC-TV Net­ work and heard coast to coast every Saturday night at eleven o’clock Eastern Standard Time. The program features Carlton Booth, a male quartet and out­ standing messages from Christians in all walks of life.

when placed alongside God’s ability to control His own universe and bring to pass the fruition of His plans? What are we endeavoring to say? Just this, that it is both good common sense as well as the will of God for Christian people to do the work of God through prayer. Prayer is the force which moves the arm of God in our behalf. Prayer is the key to victory. Prayer is the defi­ nitely ordained means through which God has promised to pour out the wealth of His grace and favor. And yet the tragic truth of the entire matter is that prayer is woefully neglected. Rather, Christian people seem first to desire to. bring about accomplishments for God by dint of their own efforts. It is not that there is a lack of altruism or of unsel­ fish charity; rather, it seems to be just a failure to recognize God’s way of do­ ings things. What would really come to pass if for a week or ten days the entire earthly machinery of Christendom would sud­ denly cease? No letters would be writ­ ten, no phone calls made, no committee meetings held, no mimeographed news releases sent forth, but instead of this and other activities, there would be a genuine laying hold of God through prayer. What would happen if Christian people would lay aside all the Christian activities which normally engage their time, and falling down before God, con­ fess their sins, and then begin a work of prayerful intercession? What would really happen if God’s children were to turn aside from their own ways and endeavor to do the work of God in His way? Korean Thank You A box was recently delivered to the American Bible Society’s office in New York City containing a plaque fashioned in the shape of a shield, made of dis­ carded dried egg and fish cans, carefully flattened out and nailed together. The words, “ Thanksgiving American Bible Society POW Bible Institute” had been painted in white on a flat piece of brass fastened on the plaque. The same word­ ing in Korean appears on the opposite side of the shield. This had come spon­ taneously because of the interest of the North Korean prisoners in the Bible Correspondence Course which had re­ sulted in establishing a Bible Institute The W o rk and the W o rk ers By William W. Orr, D.D.

spent to assert the advertiser’s slogan. It is common knowledge that anything in the world .can be sold whether it be genuine, half genuine or wholly spurious, if enough money is paid to shout its praises. Much of the advertising indus­ try pays little or no attention to the truthfulness of slogans. The plan is merely to get the people to lay out their money and to reap a profit. Witness the enslavement of almost our entire nation to the drink habit! Consider the subtilty of cigarette advertising. Weigh carefully the advertised claims of the movie in­ dustry. Here are overwhelming examples of the value of advertising. But do not think that God is blind to this dishonesty. In, the fifth chapter of Isaiah, verse 20, appear these words: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.” Do not think for a minute that God will not call every dishonest statement into judgment some day. When time has come to an end, when the things of this life are merged into eternity’s unhurried day, God will make stern in­ quiry into the black siris *of this whole dishonest business. Even though it be true that our world is today under the rule of a deceitful usurper, still there is coming a day when righteousness and truth shall be the order, when God will call every sin into judgment. The basis of God’s righteous judgment will be that all the while there has been a great ideal of right dealing and honest living presented by the Holy Scriptures and that ignorance of these Scriptures will be no excuse. Let each and every child of God be ex­ ceedingly careful of the truthfulness of his own statements, not being given to wild or fanciful tales or exaggeration; that our conversation be sober and defi­ nite, our preaching saturated with Scrip­ ture variety, our lives lived in beautiful confirmation of God’s faithfulness and veracity. The Key To The Whole Matter It is believing prayer. Consider with me for a moment the truthfulness of this statement. Is anything too hard for God? The answer, of course, is a definite “ No.” God is overwhelmingly great. The universe is His and He controls every bit of it from the movements of the vast stellar galaxies to the growth of the tiny blades of grass on the hillside. In our lives there is nothing that He cannot do to help us and in the Christian work under our hands success can always be ours when God blesses our efforts. Does not then the entire matter of the successful Christian life and successful Christian enterprise resolve itself down to God’s approval? Is not the feverish effort of puny man a rather ridiculous thing when God could step in and by the force of His omnipotence bring to pass the matter to a wonderfully suc­ cessful conclusion? Is it not true that our strivings, even with the most unsel­ fish motives, are pitifully inadequate

in the camp. “Mr. Texas”

A new film produced by the Great Com­ mission Films of Hollywood and starring

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