King's Business - 1918-01

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1 1 will water U every moment will keep it night and day. Isa. 27.3

MOTTO: " I the Lord do keep

‘lest any hurt it, /

n _ T C HORTON, J. H . HUNTER? W IL L IA M . E V A N S D . D „ A ssociate Ed.tors 1, c . n u i u u n , A . M . ROW , M anaging Editor PubiisKed by the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 4 ~ i -.A-«». »t Los Angeles,- Cal., c - n w 1 *■ | ■* “ VOL. IX JANUARY, 1918 No. 1 CONTENTS Editorial: Nineteen-Eighteen—Will the Allies Win?—The Allies Fatal Mistake— Will There be Universal and Lasting Peace?— Dr. Shailer Mathews and the Premil- I M M Pope and the Kaiser-Driven Out of the Show Business— Words of Approbation. Destiny of Man. (Poem) By Dr. J. H. Alexander....-............ J. Salvation Talks. By Keith L. Brooks............. Some Tests of Old Testament Criticism. By Dr. Griffith ^. Thomas ..................................... ^g Bolivia Missionaries ............ a '" - t ................................................. j ........... i ft How to Grow in Grace. By Dr. R^A^ Torrey...,..................... Watch-Night Innovation By A. P. ......................................... 26 Puzzling Passages and Problems.................................. _g Through the Bible with Dr. Evans...-......E.......|nH| ” o -2 Evangelistic Department. By BibleJnstitute Workers.......... 33 Dr. Zwemer in China. By Reuben Torrey, Jr................... - ~ || The Far Horizon............- -- ---...... - ................. ■....................... 47 Homiletical Helps. By William Evans...................................... ^ International Sunday School Lessons. By Institute Specialists 50 Daily Devotional Studies in the Old and New Testaments for Individual Meditation and Family Worship. By K. A . j g Torrey ................................................................................... a T O R R E Y . D. D ., E ditor .

SU B SCR IPTIO N PR IC E— In the points .in f n t r l A ^ e A c a n P o s t a U n xon , c ^ t

per g g K t

g j r e q u e s t .


\H “ SeSpt. 18’? means Expires Sept. 1918, etc. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LO S A N G E LE S, C A L.

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