King's Business - 1918-01



how I shall do to reward to you and the Master.” W e feel sure Christ has gained the victory in his life, and are awaiting his next arrival in thii port, giving all honor and glory to Him.

anchored in the stream, and will leave early tomorrow morning, so I could not go shore to see you; it is my regret. In sea there is nothing to cheer us but the books. I ami thanking God that he led yoii to pre­ sent me so many books. I am thinking

-------------- O ---------------- WOKE IN THE SHOPS

David Cant, Supt.

C ONTINUING the shop work, in con­ nection with the Sunday Campaign meetings up to their close, we have much to praise God for, among much which bear- eth thorns and briers and is rejected. The result appears, to one who is con­ tinually combing the fields for the treasure hidden therein, to be a deepening o f the spiritual life o f believers, and a decided hardening and turning away among those who, like Gallio, “care for none o f these things.” To our visiting brethren, with their splendid equipment and systematic manage­ ment, it was considerable o f a surprise and a pleasant relief, to arrive on a field already, as far as the shop work was con­ cerned, prepared, ploughed and planted, and waiting for the gathering. W e could all rejoice together at the reaping God has so graciously given us. The Bible Institute has quietly and reg­ ularly conducted its shop work for nearly ten years, during which time we have con­ siderably enlarged its scope, constantly reaching out for new territory. Our stu­ dents accompany us noons and afternoons, and thus have the advantage o f the prac­ tical training, while preparing for their life work. W e are always running up against new experiences and learning to be “all things to all men, that we may win some.” Arriv­ ing at one particular place, we ran into a large crowd o f labor agitators, waiting for the noon hour to influence the employees to strike. W e thought at first they were there in the interest o f the liberty bonds,

and suggested our singing to gather the men and boost. Upon detecting their real motive, however, we proceeded and suc­ ceeded in appropriating all the noon hour, singing and giving a message with which none could possibly raise an issue. Thus a serious disturbance was averted and the wonderful love o f God in Christ sent both crowds away with the kick and the fight subdued for the time being, at least. “ This name shall shed its fragrance still, Along this thorny road; Shall sweetly smoot the rugged hill, That leads us up to God.” W e have had wonderful meetings among the fire laddies. Two o f the houses visited during the past month were scenes we shall never forget, for every man made a definite confession o f Christ, as we per­ sonally spoke to them. May God confirm and deepen the work in their hearts, and root and ground them in the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. O f course, we run across some very sad things. Here comes one poor fellow with a sad story o f a wrecked home, the wife deserting husband and babies. What a priv­ ilege to be able to point such a broken heart to Jesus who alone can bind up the broken hearted and bring back once more this poor, misguided woman in true repent­ ance to God and home. Here comes another sad heart. A wife steeped in one o f the false, soul-damning heresies o f these last, perilous days, and the little ones torn between these two paths, as the husband seeks in his poor,

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