King's Business - 1918-01



B usiness ; The following items are taken from a recent letter from him : “I am almost through with my work in this locality, and you will be interested to know that we have had thirty-six take a stand for Christ up to date. This is a ' very needy community. There are fifty- four families within three miles of the church, and about fifty children, and not half o f them have ever been to Sunday School, and never hear a prayer or hear the Bible read. We have visited most of the homes, and will get into the rest of them. I have given a copy o f John’s Gos-. pel to all the children who can read. We are at least doing what the Master com­ manded, ‘tell the story.’ “My next field will be a little village in New Jersey, with two Presbyterian churches and one Methodist Episcopal, all uniting to especially reach the large country district around. W e are making a survey o f only the country around the village, and will confine our visitation to the rural or coun­ try folks. I am co-operating with the State Presbyterian evangelist in this field. It gives me larger opportunity without interfering with my regular program. You will not forget to remember us in the Institute prayer circles, and personally; we have a hard field, but important.” O - and wa,, believe will soon yield himself to the Maswj. The w ife o f the mayor o f one o f our suburban towns (a Christian Scientist for fourteen years) who had sent word that she would not attend the,class any more, came through the rain last Friday. The lesson was, “ Jesus, the Bread o f Life,” emphasis 4being placed upon appropriation of His flesh and blood given in sacrifice for sin. She asked questions, and seemed much interested, and we are praying that she may come to see the truth. In many cases, God wonderfully honors the teaching o f the Word in the homes. In

for half an hour prayer service and one hour Bible study. This class has been organized with its officers, including a Librarian who will have charge o f their newly purchased library consisting o f a hundred “Moody Colportage Books" and several other books including “Jesus Is Coming” by W. E. B., and one copy of “What the Bible Teaches,” by Dr. Torrey. This book they expect to use in their Bible study class. They have secured a splendid Bible teacher to take charge o f this work, he having just completed the Scofield Cor­ respondence Course. We covet your prayers. w A NEW WORKER E are glad to introduce to our readers a new addition to the Bible Institute evangelistic force, evangelist R. M. Honey- man, o f , Norristown, Pennsylvania, who will labor for us in the neglected com­ munities in the East. Mr. Honeyman’s effort in this directipn has been attended with great blessing for a number of years. All over this country, from Coast to Coast, there are hundreds o f small communities never reached by the ordinary evangelist, many such places having few, if any, Gos­ pel privileges. W e commend our Brother Honeyman to the readers o f T he K ind ’ s T H E heart o f a Bible Woman was cheered one day by a young woman saying, “Yes. I would like to know how to be saved, and know it, but I am too busy to talk today. Come soon again.” A date was made and she gladly accepted the Lord and came into real assurance o f her salvation, but the hardest thing was to confess Him to her husband, who was very set against all these things, so much so that she could not attend church at first. She lived her life quietly till the opportunity came when she felt she must make her step known to him. He received it more quietly than she expected, and now attends church with her,


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