King's Business - 1918-01




London needed a new str'eet. Buildings were razed and hills leveled- This street is called “Kingsway.” Who prepared, the way for Christ, the King o f Kings? It would be a great honor to be on the com­ mittee o f arrangements should President Wilson visit your city. What sort of young man would you expect, to be chosen to arrange for Christ’s; coming? v Who was John? Where had he been educated? Was he a popular social leader?; (v. 6). Previ­ ously assign some girl to. tell the -story o f Christ’s early life, another John’s (Luke chs. 1, 2)., It was not John’s talent, good looks, or fine clothes, but his . attitude toward God which qualified him. God had a life-plan for John and He has for every young person. God told the Bible writers about John hundreds of years before John lived (ys. 2, 3; cf. . Mai. 3:1 and Isa. 40:3). John perhaps did not have all the advantages he wanted. He doubtless longed to exchange life with the city fellows of Jerusalem. Alone on the desert he may have thought God had for­ gotten him. If your life is committed to God, where you are is the place God would have^ you. If faithful in the , small tasks He will use you for a larger one. Let some girl desirjbe a “Billy” Sunday meeting, and tell how people fqr miles, crowd around the doors, and sit for hours while, the evangelist shows them their sin and calls, “repefit.” . Did people welcome John? Whom did they think him to be? What tribute did they pay John? Why didn’ t John let them think he was Christ? Most o f us enjoy telling what we are,' but John told what he was not. It’s a big girl whose head is not turned by pop- ularity and who can sweetly give her place to another. John was the seed willing to die in the ground that new life, Christ Jesus, might come. John aroused in people a-desire to live clean lives. Christ, the Lamb o f God, was the only one who could take away their sin and, give them new life. Christian girl

Have you ever heard a group o f girls describing a concert, picnic, or a new girl in town? Each saw so differently that' one could scarcely believe that all were describing the same -person or thing. W e can understand why Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s stories o f Christ’s life differ when we know to whom and w h y each was written. Matthew wrote to show the Jews that Christ fulfilled Jheir proph­ esies and as their long-looked-for King. The Greeks- worshipped man. Luke reveals Christ to them, as the perfect man. John wrote to,. Christians, proving that Christ was the Son o f God. Mark wrote .to the Roman's,. then, the governing ' people. Power appealed to them. They were interested'in the,'man who could do things.? In Mark, Christ is the mighty Servant. These writers do not aim- to give all o f Christ’s life; hence -all o f them combined do nbt give a biography o f Christ (John 20:30, 31). Have your girls commit the key verse —10:45. Review it often. Also discover how often the key-words “ straightway” and “immediately” are found. (40 times). In Mark, Christ, the servant, is constantly busy and obediently serves everywhere with miraculous power. Mark records, nineteen miracles, no discourses,,and only four parables. . The ; title o f this book is “ The Good News of Jesus Christ, the- Son o f God” (1 :1 ). Some today would omit “the Son o f God,” but Mark and the Christians of his time believed Christ to be God. Have we any evidence to disprove His- deity that they did not have? If they were mis­ taken why were their statements not refuted then? If Christ is nqU the Son ' o f God there can be no good, news, for mere man cannot save man. Use this simple outline. Review often: The Servant Coming, 1:1-13. The Servant Working, 1 :14-10:52. The Servant Suffering, chs. 11-15.v The Servant Triumphing, chi’ 16.

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