King's Business - 1918-01



you c^n make that brother, sister, or friend out o f Christ hunger for Christ. Take these into your circle o f Christian friends $t the church and Sunday School where they can learn o f Christ. Live patiently and courageously. Be bold to witness for Him, and most truly you will be a Christ- preparer as John was. What was Jesus’ M emory V erse : “ Behold, the lamb o f God, which taketh away the sin o f the world.”—John 1:29. Approach .—How many o f you little peo­ ple washed your faces this morning? Yes, every one o f you. Some one who loved you wanted you to look nice this beautiful Lord’s day. There are little folks who -sometimes wish they did not have to be washed so often. I wonder why our Heav­ enly Father made us this way. You know He could have made us so we would not need to. I think it is because He wants us to remember something every time we wash. When we do things that are not right, it makes us feel as if we needed washing inside, too. W e call that “ sin,” and it dpes need washing away. Mother couldn t do that, nor father, nor anybody but God, Himself. W e must have needed this very much indeed, when God sent His own dear Son to do it for us. His name, Jesus, means, “He shall save His people" from their sins.” You and I know Him and love Him, so we have a right to be very happy today for we know that because we love Him and know He is the Son o f God, He has taken, away the stain o f sin from the inside just as mother has washed the soil from the outside. Presentation .—It was springtime in the country where the Lord Jesus lived. Cali­ fornia boys and girls know about how it looked. The hills were green, the wild flowers were in bloom, and there were little children gathering them, too. Their fathers and mothers, big sisters and broth­ ers, had come to a place near the Jordan River. Not just because it was beautiful,

tribute to John? Has Christ a tribute for you? (Matt. 11:11). Since Mark is to be studied for six months place a copy o f Mark with every girl, urging her to carry it, read and com­ mit it in her idle moments. Copies can be secured from the Biola Book Room, Los Angeles, at S cents per copy. they had a better reason than that. They had come to hear a great man preach. This man’s name was John. He had lived in the country, talking with God, who had told him what to tell the people. He said, “ The King is coming, you must be ready for Him.” “ There is one thing He wants more than anything else—you must be sorry for your sins and want them for­ given.” Then he said, “Everyone o f you who truly wishes this, may come into the river with me, and I will baptize you.” That is the reason he was called John the Bap­ tist. John knew, and the people knew, that the water would not make them clean from sin; but because the water can wash one’s body clean, then to be baptized in it tells God and all the people who are looking on, “I know that God can and does make me clean from sin.” A fter John had been preaching and baptizing many days, his cousin, Jesus, the young carpenter who lived in Nazareth, came where he was preach-' ing. When John saw him, God told him something he had never known before. This was the King he had been telling them about. He pointed toward Him and all the people looked as he said, “Behold, the Lamb o f God which taketh away the sin o f the world.” Jesus wanted to be baptized. He did not need to be forgiven for sin; He had done nothing wrong, but this was one way o f saying before all the people, “I have come to obey my Father and am ready now to do everything He has for Me to do.” So John baptized Him, and as Jesus was praying, God spoke, “ This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The, people thought they saw a


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