King's Business - 1918-01



I tell you frankly, if we loved sinners more, our brains would work better in getting men to Christ. I f those fellows had been like some o f us, this story would have stopped outside the door. They didn’t fig­ ure on a return trip.— McNeill. Where is niy love for souls if I will not push through everything to save men?— J. Wes­ ley. ':v. 5. When Jesus saw their faith. A lot o f fellows can’t get to Jesus on their own feet. They’ve Ngot to be lugged. Put a man on the stretcher o f your faith and dump him at Jesus’ feet.— McNeill. We need the faith which believes in the con­ Have you ever realized what it would mean to you to be crippled, helpless, unable to walk; to spend month after month upon a bed and be denied the life and activity o f your friends? Suppose this were your condition' and some . friends told you of a new doctor who could cure you. What would you do ? ■ Let us see what this young man did. Since that busy Sabbath of which we studied last week (review it), Christ had made an evangelistic' tour throughout all Galilee (1:39) and had returned home, probably Peter’s home, for rest. How the news did spread! Christ could not be hid. He never can. If He is in your life others will discover Him and seek Hint. Although weary, did Christ turn the crowd away? Perhaps many had come through curiosity.' Christ did not aim to satisfy it nor to enter­ tain them, but gave them what they most needed, “ He preached the Word,” the word God had sent by him, the good news of salvation. At ope of the “ Billy” Sunday meetings here, a man unable to get in, climbed upon the roof and slid down a pole while all looked on. , When the invitation was given he was among the first to accept Christ. How was Christ’s sermon interpreted ?C, Have some girl describe the oriental

version o f the worst sinners —Simpson. George Muller prayed fifty years for two men.— Selected. It is utterly impossible for faith to overdraw its ’account in God’s bank.— McIntosh. True faith begins where our resources end.— Simpson. Faith never goes home with an empty basket.— Elijah Brown. The living God is my partner.— Muller. Faith knows that God’s bonds are as good as ready moneyjS-Hcwy. v. 7. Who can forgive sins but Godf A bunch o f Unitarians. That’s where they were wrong, because Jesus was God.— McNeill. house, which is usually one story, flat roofed, with outside stairs. The roofs are made o f branches and palm leaves covered with thick mud. The better houses have open courts in the center. These young men were persistent in get­ ting to Jesus. They did not wait for a more favorable time, it might never have come. They realized three things—their friend’s utter need, that Christ alone could help him, and now was the only time o f which they were sur-e. Their faith an(f hope in Christ surmounted all obstacles. Their faith could be seen (v. S). Can yours? It required much effort on the part o f four to get one young man to Christ, but they counted no effort too great for the saving o f their friend. What might have resulted had one young man grown discouraged and dropped his end o f the cot? This young fellow had loyal friends'. Probably this young man would have never gotten to Christ had his friends not brought him. Some have called this the first Christian Endeavor Society. How wonderful that when God would help someone He most often works through folks. Some girl near you is in need. He will use you if you will let Him. What did Christ say to the young man?


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