King's Business - 1918-01



reader ponder it until his heart throbs with the joy o f it. Paul will speak o f his afflic­ tions shortly, but he will speak o f abound­ ing comforts first. Not an affliction did Paul have (and he had more than fell to the lot o f most men) but God comforted him in it “all.” But Paul was sure that he had no right to use selfishly the com­ fort that God bestowed upon him, but that he was under obligation to comfort “them that are in any affliction” through the com­ fort wherewith he was comforted o f God. What a' lesson for us. Let us pass on to others the comforts that we ourselves receive. Sunday, January 13 . 1 , : 2 Cor. 1 : 5 , 6 . Paul speaks o f the sufferings he endured as “the sufferings o f Christ,” because in them he was having fellowship with Christ in His sufferings (Col. 1:24; Phil. 3:10), and because Christ - suffered with him in them (Acts 9 :4 ; Matt..25:40-45). When one looks at trial and persecution in this way it becomes a source o f joy. However abundant these sufferings might be, the comfort was more abounding still “through Christ.” Paul had another joy in his afflic­ tions, and that was from the thought that his afflictions worked for the “comfort” and “salvation” o f the beloved saints in Cor­ inth. But his comfort also worked for their comfort, leading them to patiently Though Paul had been obliged to say some very severe things concerning many in Corinth, and though even yet there were some who needed sharpness, still for the saints in Corinth as a whole his hope was steadfast; but evidently all his confidence was in God, not in them. God permitted them to suffer but with the suffering had made them partakers' o f the comfort (v. 7, R. V .). Paul himself had recently passed through the greatest peril in Asia (Ephe­ sus). So great was this peril that he had even despaired o f life. It was beyond his natural power o f endurance. •The great peril to which he here refers was probably endure like sufferings. Monday, January 14 . . 2 Cor. 1 : 7 - 9 .

ous that Timothy should be held in high esteem by the church in Corinth (cf. 1 Cor. 16:10, 11). He speaks o f Timothy as “the brother (see margin R. V .),” though in writing to him he calls him “my son” (1 Tim. 1 :2, 18; 2 Tim. 1 :2). In his first let­ ter to Corinth he had spoken o f Timothy as “my beloved son” (1 Cor. 4:17), but in this salutation he would place Timothy more on an equality with himself. This way o f speaking o f Timothy as “the brother” illustrates the humility o f Paul: the other way of speaking o f him as “my beloved son” illustrates the tender affection o f Paul. Paul describes those to whom he is writing as “the church (the called out assembly) of God which is at Corinth.” This name for the body o f believers is full o f suggestion and inspiration. To belong to “the church o f Luther,” o r '“the church o f Wesley,” or even “the church o f Paul,” would not be so great an honor, but to belong to “the church o f God,” that is a great privilege' indeed. The letter was not only to the saints in the church o f Corinth, but also to those in the whole province o f Achaia (i.e., in Athens, Cenchreae, and perhaps other places). Paul begins with his customary wjish 'that they might know grace and peace “ from God our Father and the Lord Jesus-Christ” (cf. l.Thess. 1:1). Here as elsewhere in Paul’s epistles, grace is put before peace, because it is only when we accept grace that we can enjoy peace. The source o f grace and peace is God, and not God the Father alone, but the Lord Jesus Christ as well. Paul here, as in many other places, couples the name o f Jesus Christ with that o f God the Father in a way in which it' would be impossible to couple that o f any finite being Paul cannot hold back the expression of his abounding gratitude to God: “ Blessed be God,” he cries. Paul speaks o f God by three distinct names: (1) “ The God and Father o f our Lord Jesus Christ;” (2) “ The Father of mercies;” (3) “The God of all comfort.” What a name. Let every with that o f the Deity. Saturday, January 12 . 2 Cor. 1 : 3 , 4 .

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