Dr Timothy Chapman

The RightMind Commitment Our Team here at RightMind fully understands the difficulties and challenges you face every day, and are committed to providing the best psychiatric treatment available. Our programs focus on reintegrating patients back into the community by increasing ones problem-solving and communication skills, coping abilities, and enhancing self-esteem.

Mission Statement Opening and sharing gifts

Our Vision Every person regardless of race, gender, religious affiliations, social standing or sexual orientation is endowed with gifts from God. Mental illness, substance abuse and environmental circumstances can prevent one from recognizing those unique gifts or utilizing them to their full potential. The purpose of this organization is to eliminate barriers and facilitate the opening and sharing of the unique gifts possessed by all to benefit the world we live in. Our Purpose The purpose of our programs is to help our patients practice recovery management skills and techniques while staying committed to independent living. During this process of care, our patients will be able to practice what they have learned in group therapy, in a real life setting while still being able to utilize clinical individualized therapy to develop community supports. Patients who progress through our treatment programs will be able to live a more fulling life independently in the environment of their choice with a support system which promotes recovery. The RightMind programs are specifically designed to help patients manage their everyday lives such as: work, family, and school, while promoting the idea of taking ownership of their recovery process. During this phase of stability, patients will continue to attend 4 to 6 structured groups per month led by licensed professionals.

helping our patients practice recovery management skills

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