SPRING 2025 · Activity Guide · K–6th Grade
Register at yourirvine.org .
Learn to Swim Little Fish Classes: Ages 3–6 Big Fish Classes: Ages 6–13 Session 4: April 7–May 8 Session 5: May 12–June 5 (No class 5/26, 6/5)
April Saturdays: April 5–26 May Saturdays: May 3–31
Intersession A: March 31–April 3 (Private Lessons Only) Group & Private Lessons Available Visit irvineaquatics.org for more information on class levels, registration dates, and fees.
Racket Sports
Register at yourirvine.org . Tennis Lessons Session 1: March 30–May 3 Session 2: May 4–June 7 Great Park Tennis Academy Academy-level lessons offer a 5:1 student-to instructor ratio. Players will have the ideal training environment and can work hard to achieve rapid progress. Ages 5–17. More info: 323-719-6512. Pickleball Lessons Please check yourirvine.org for youth pickleball lessons.
Disability Services
Register at yourirvine.org . Recreation Classes
Please visit cityofirvine.org/ds for recreation programs specifically designed for individuals with disabilities.
Sweet Shade Ability Center 15 Sweet Shade • 949-724-6637
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