Report No. G100463637MID-005R2 Report Revised Date: January 26, 2015
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Client: Dectra Corporation
Model: WHS2000
The cordwood fuel started with newspaper and a measured kindling load. As the test load was being lit, the sampling system was started simultaneously. The unit was allowed to operate until all combustion in the firebox had ceased.
The ASTM E2515-09 sampling procedure was used.
Particulate samples are collected from the dilution tunnel at a point 16 feet from the tunnel entrance. The tunnel has two elbows ahead of the sampling section. (See Figure 3.) The sampling section is a continuous 14-foot section of 10-inch diameter pipe straight over its entire length. Tunnel velocity pressure is determined by a standard Pitot tube located 96 inches from the beginning of the sampling section. The dry bulb thermocouple is located six inches downstream from the Pitot tube. Tunnel samplers are located 36 inches downstream of the Pitot tube and 36 inches upstream from the end of this section. (See Figure 1.)
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