Report No. G100463637MID-005R2 Report Revised Date: January 26, 2015
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Client: Dectra Corporation
Model: WHS2000
The unit as tested produced an average emissions rate of: 0.070 lbs/million Btu of output (0.030 g/MJ) for the heating season. 0.071 lbs/million Btu of output (0.030) for year round use.
The unit was inspected upon arrival at the Dectra Corporation facility and found to be in good condition. The unit was set up per the manufacturer’s instructions. The unit was placed on the test stand and instrumented with thermocouples in the specified locations. The chimney system and laboratory dilution tunnel was cleaned using standard wire brush chimney cleaning equipment.
On October 3, 2011 the unit was ready for testing.
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