Technical Service Bulletin : Anode Rods – Solution with Electric Isolation
Isolate the controller:
Isolation is now complete, and the schematic of how the installation should look is:
In some installations, the controller may be directly screwed into steel studs. The steel studs may then be in direct contact with the GARN unit. In such a situation, the housing of the controller is effectively a ground path to the tank.
The GARN unit is now fully electrically isolated. Anode rods are not needed. If the installation changes over time and other electrical devices are installed on or near the GARN unit that are wired to ground, keep these concepts in mind and isolate appropriately.
A simple solution to isolate the controller is to remove the controller from its steel stud mounting, screw a piece of plywood into the steel studs, then mount the controller to the plywood Make sure the new controller mounting screws are not in contact with the steel studs. Plywood is an effective electric isolator.
Anode Rods – Part 3: Electric Isolation
Rev: 20151130 Page: 4 of 8
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