GARN® Anode Rods – Solution with Electric Isolation

Technical Service Bulletin : Anode Rods – Solution with Electric Isolation

CONCLUSION: Up to this point, anode rods were supplied with GARN units because they were a simple solution to deal with the possibility of undirected current or stray current. Anodes were installed in 100% of units to prevent an issue that might occur in less than 1% of units. But now that customers have experienced sloughing and accelerated rod degradation, the use of anode rods no longer meets our standards of broad protection (i.e., as a low- cost, low-maintenance solution for protection against undirected current). Electric isolation is an equivalent substitute for the installation of consumable anode rods and accomplishes the same level of protection. Electric isolation will now be the standard installation method for all GARN units to combat complications from undirected current. Customers should evaluate their anode rods and then take appropriate action as outlined in this document and the previous service bulletins. FAQ: Some questions may arise after reading this document. We decided to put a FAQ section on our technical service bulletin webpage at: The goal is to answer customer questions that may not fit into the exact context and structure of this document. As customers ask questions, we will post answers to the webpage. If you have a question, please submit it to

Anode Rods – Part 3: Electric Isolation

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