JEWELRY OPEN STUDIO The Jewelry Studio is equipped with jewelry casting and fabricating equipment including casting centrifuge, burnout ovens, torches, hydraulic press, polishing, and finishing machines. Closed- toe shoes and previous studio experience required. Fee: $19 per session PRINTMAKING OPEN STUDIO The Patrick Merrill Printmaking Studio is a fully equipped, ventilated studio suitable for traditional printmaking techniques. Various etching presses, including a 36 x 72 inch manual Ettan press, outfit the 800-square-foot studio space that allows for various print techniques and processes such as intaglio, relief, collagraph, and monoprint. Closed-toe shoes
The Ceramics Studio is equipped with wheels, kilns, slab roller, damp room, and complete glaze room. Regular firings are scheduled by technicians. Stoneware clay is available for purchase. Closed- toe shoes and previous studio experience required. Fee: $15 per session PHOTOGRAPHY OPEN STUDIO The David Kawashima Photography Studio features a group and an individual darkroom with complete black-and-white tray setups. Standard black-and-white chemistry is provided. Enlargers accommodate 35mm, 120mm, and 4 x 5 inch negatives. The lab also features a film processing and finishing room with film dryer, print washer, print dryer, and dry mount press. Closed- toe shoes and previous studio
experience required. Fees: $15–19 per session
and previous studio experience required. Fee: $19 per session
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