Fine Arts ArtBeat Spring 2025

irvine fine arts center Printmaking · Mixed Media

lynk collective Metamorphosis: Mending the Wound Irvine Fine Arts Center, Central Gallery Opening Reception: March 1, 2–4 p.m. Exhibition: March 1–May 24 Metamorphosis: Mending the Wound is an exhibition organized by Lynk Collective that features printmaking and mixed media art that explores themes of transformation, fragmentation, and rehabilitation through strategies of collaboration and assembly. The exhibition includes several site-specific installations, alongside contributions by guest artists Barbara Berk, Joyce Farmer, Dusty Guerra, Victor Rosas, Marco Schindelmann, and Yvette Trujillo. Lynk Collective is a diverse amalgamation of artists that began to coalesce around the Irvine Fine Arts Center’s printmaking program and open studios in 2017. Members include: Yeansoo Aum, Elisabeth Beck, Andra Broekelschen, Alexandra Chiara, Lucy Farley, Karen Feuer-Schwager, Christina Yasmin Fesmire, Karen Fiorito, Carole Gelker, Bill Jaros, Nguyen Ly, Diane McLeod, Jared Millar, William Myers, Marina Polic, Vera Polic-Lakhal, Colleen Premer, Francisco Rogido, Olga Ryabtsova, Laura Shapiro, Tracy Loreque Skinner, Mary Lawrence Test, Paula Voss, Mila Vovk, and Zana Zupur.


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