ROADWAY AND PARKING LOT BURIED PIPING DIAGRAM: The following diagram shows how preinsulated, underground PEX-a piping shall be laid in areas where snow is routinely cleared (such as below and paved surface where there is vehicle or foot traffic).
All pumps must be selected based on a calculated total static and frictional head loss of the piping connected to the pump as well as the calculated required system flow. Preferred pump brands include: Taco, Bell & Gossett, Wilo and Grundfos. Select a pump that delivers a flow rate that does not violate the Piping Design and Calculation Guidelines (see previous section) for head loss and fluid velocity. Size the pump based on a calculated system head loss and system flow requirement – DO NOT guess. All pumps shall be installed in strict compliance with manufacturer’s instructions, with particular attention to shaft orientation and the length of straight run of inlet and discharge pipe required to produce stated performance. In most cases, install pumps to discharge vertically up or horizontally. Provide isolation full port ball valves flanges on the inlet and discharge of the pump. Pumps should be located adjacent to the GARN® WHS unit if at all possible. Mount pumps at least 4 ’ below the surface of the GARN® WHS water level in order to prevent suction boiling at the pump inlet at higher water temperatures. (See previous section - Calculation of Net Positive Suction Head For Pumps) A heating system may use several zones within a building. Likewise, one GARN® WHS unit may supply heat to several buildings. Use individual pumps with check values for each zone (or
Hydronic System Design Manual ©DECTRA CORPORATION - March 2013
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