The pipe size indicated is the minimum pipe size based on 4’ of head loss per 100’ of pi pe.
Even though the GARN® WHS unit is non-pressurized, it is adaptable to heating systems that are elevated up to 16 ’ above the level of the slab on which the GARN® unit sets. If the vertical distance is greater than this, a flat plate water-to- water heat exchanger must be installed (refer to “Connection to an Existing Pressure System). Note the following and review the drawing: This type of system is found mostly in warehouses with high ceilings and in multiple floor residences or small commercial facilities. All piping and flanges MUST be airtight or this type of installation will not function properly. Air leaks will constantly bleed air into the system (negatively affecting both system performance and corrosion). DO NOT use automatic air bleeds in the heat delivery system. Install only manual air bleeds. Select pump to overcome total head, i.e., pipe friction and vertical elevation. Pump sizing is very critical in this application. Install a solenoid valve that is energized to open when the pump is powered. This valve is to close whenever the pump is not powered. The valve locks the water in vertical loop when the pump is not operating. Install a reliable full-port, spring check valve downstream of the pump.
Heating of domestic water is easily accomplished with GARN® equipment. In-tank copper water heating coils are NOT provided in the GARN® tank for several reasons:
Hydronic System Design Manual ©DECTRA CORPORATION - March 2013
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