Choose a Taco 007-IFC variable speed pump with pump control center and room thermostat. For more information see: TACO® HVAC 007-IFC Circulator TACO® 007-IFC Performance Curve
275’ of ½” PEX @ 0.75 gpm
Radiant Manifold 1” Mixing Valve
2’ 4’
¾” Copper Feed 20’
12.9’ 10%
Misc Fittings
Total Head Loss 14.2’ Size the house pump for 3 gpm @ 14.2’
Choose a Taco 0015 3-speed pump with pump control center and room thermostat. Set pump to speed 2. For more information see: TACO® HVAC 0015 Circulator TACO® 0015 Performance Curve
DISTRIBUTION PIPE AND PUMP SIZING Total Flow = 6 (main floor) + 3 (basement) = 9 gpm
The owner desires to locate the GARN® unit in a pole barn shop. The shop is 127’ from the house. What size MicroFlex® PEX is required? Compare 4’ per 100’ of head loss to 6’ per 100’ for the distribution piping:
4’ per 100’ use 1 - 1/4” MicroFlex® Duo PEX 6’ per 100’ use 1” MicroFlex® Duo PEX
Assume the MicroFlex® is buried below the 4 ft. frost line in Minnesota. Therefor e, about 6’ must be added to the GARN® end and 2’ to the house end where the pipe enters the basement.
1- 1/4” Head Loss =
Cost = 28 cents/ft
1” Head Loss =
Cost = 19 cents/ft
Choose the 1” MicroFlex to save money on the initial install.
Hydronic System Design Manual ©DECTRA CORPORATION - March 2013
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