GARN® WHS | Hydronic System Design Manual


 HWBB output ratings are based on 1 gpm to 4 gpm flow rate and an EWT of 215°F for most ¾” and 1” standard sizes. The following correction factors are to be applied to the 215 °F ratings when a lower EWT is used:

Water Temperature Correction Factors (entering air temperature = 65°F)

100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 215 0.13 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.38 0.45 0.53 0.61 0.69 0.78 0.86 0.95 1.00

Supply Water Temperature (°F)

Correction Factor

EXAMPLE: The above table can also be used with baseboard rated at an EWT different 215°F. For example, if an EWT of 140°F is to be used, and the baseboard manufactured rated its baseboard at a an EWT of 180°F, then the appropriate correction factor is:

 Normal temperature drop is 10°F to 20°F per HWBB run. GARN® equipment and many non- wood systems today are based on an EWT of 140°F and a RWT of 120°F to take advantage of condensing boilers.  Combining a radiant floor manifold and PEX tubing with HWBB, can yield individual room control with a wall mounted, night set back thermostats.  Modern European flat panel wall mounted steel radiators are similar in flow requirements as HWBB.

For more information on HWBB products visit:


Hydronic System Design Manual ©DECTRA CORPORATION - March 2013

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