Board Converting News, May 20, 2024

Rasmussen Informs (CONT’D FROM PAGE 26)

a sure thing that father and son would find an audience for sports 24 hours a day. Most importantly, they weren’t sure advertisers would follow. The executives at Getty Oil, however, believed they would and made exactly the right assessment: if the fundamentals were right, this was going to be a big win, and if it’s not, it’s going to be a “dry hole.” “Getty made decisions like this every day in the oil business and, fortunately, they coughed up $100 million and ESPN came into being,” said Rasmussen. “And by the way, there were 12 million cable households in the US at the time and I projected by the end of the 1980s ESPN

would be in 30 million house- holds, which seemed a little ambitious. In fact, by the end of the ‘80s, ESPN was in 60 million households. The les- son here is that when the fundamentals are right all the other details begin to fall into place. That’s why it’s im- portant to recognize the key things in your industry, what- ever you’re analyzing.” Politically speaking, Ras- mussen took a fundamental

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short- and long-term approach for the nation, the short- term being between now and November. “In the political world in an election year, the single most important funda- mental is the president’s job approval rating. Nothing else comes close,” he said. “Joe Biden’s job approval rating is lower than any president’s in the history of polling at this point in his term. If you looked at that in a normal setting you would say he’s going to get blown out. But there’s an- other fundamental in this election and it’s called Donald Trump, who is many things but he’s not what any would call the most disciplined candidate.” Rasmussen said the popular vote polls right now show the race is a toss-up, but that the data doesn’t give one a real sense of the race. For example, in 2016 Donald Trump lost the popular vote by two points and yet he won the presidency. In 2020, he lost the popular vote by four-and-a half points and was nearly reelected. Rasmussen predict- ed that if the popular vote isn’t tied this year, Donald Trump will be reelected. “I would watch those swing state polls to see which way they’re moving and if I had to make a default guess right now, I would say whichever party wins the White House will win the House of Representatives.” “It’s The Economy, Stupid!” “James Carville was right when he said ‘it’s the econo- my, stupid!’ echoed Rasmussen, who reinforced the state- ment by saying that it is the single most important factor in just about every election, except after 9/11 and a few oth- er rare exceptions. He cited the statistic that 50 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck so if the price of



May 20, 2024

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