Board Converting News, May 20, 2024

AICC Recognizes Recipients Of Independent Safe Shop Awards AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, an- nounced the recipients of the Independent Safe Shop Awards. These awards recognize outstanding perfor- mance in plant safety over the past year, reflecting a stead- fast dedication to the well-being of employees As a hallmark initiative of AICC, these awards serve as a testament to the industry’s unwavering commitment to fostering safe working environments. Companies that have demonstrated exemplary safety records and adher- ence to stringent safety protocols were recognized at the 2024 Spring Meeting. Member companies had to meet rigorous criteria to qualify for this prestigious recognition, including maintain-

ing a 2023 OSHA Recordable Incident Rate of less than 3.0 and achieving a 2023 OSHA Lost Work Days Incident Rate of zero. The esteemed recipients of the 2024 Independent Safe Shop Awards are: • Akers Packaging Service Group (Chicago, Hoosier, Huntington, Middletow, Mount Vernon, Webster West locations) • American Packaging Corp • Leaman Container • Master Packaging (Borden and Dieppe locations) • Niagara Sheets • Unicorr Packaging/Vermont Container • Wunderlich Fibre Box Company These companies exemplify the highest standards of safety excellence within the packaging industry, setting a benchmark for their peers to aspire to. Their dedication to

ensuring the well-being of their workforce underscores the core values of AICC and reinforces the importance of prioritizing safety in all aspects of operations. “Every AICC member makes safety pri- ority one in their operations. It’s always a pleasure to award those members that achieve this recognition as a part of their safety initiatives,” said AICC President Mike D’Angelo. “We like to see this list of winners grow each year!” For more information about the Inde- pendent Safe Shop Awards and AICC’s on- going initiatives, visit

AICC Offering Online Quality Basics Course

AICC announced the release of its latest online educational offering, “Quality Ba- sics.” This course is designed to equip pro- fessionals in the packaging industry with essential knowledge and skills to uphold the highest standards of quality in their work. Participants will explore the definition of quality, its measurement and mplemen- tation strategies, all tailored to meet the stringent requirements of today’s custom- ers. AICC underscores its commitment to continuous learning by offering this course as part of its extensive suite of over 100 free online courses available exclusively to its members. To enroll in Quality Basics and explore AICC’s comprehensive educational re- sources, visit .


May 20, 2024

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